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judging the natural boxer

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Kevin, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. Kevin

    Kevin New Member

    Now that the National Boxer club americia has added the non cropped Boxer and set a standard for it ,how do you think the will be judged,will the have a seperate class ,or will they be all togather ,if they are all togather what are the chances of the noncropped ever being picked ahead of the cropped Boxer? Alot of the judges already pick the flashy more than the plain or the brindle,and to much white is a fault, these are some thing that I am just thinking about would like your imput on these questions
  2. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I am a big fan of all breeds keeping both their natural ears and tails. Found this photo of a boxer with natural ears and I think it's great. Wish all the other breeds that crop and dock would adopt new standards.
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    It depends on what the standard for the ears are...

    Pit Bulls have both allowed and I've seen dogs with ears be picked...but they have a particular ear they are looking for... ROSE is what APBT's need to have and cropping is easier to guarantee you won't be faulted for bad ears... on the other hand...you could get this:


    which seems to be pretty nice rose ears... and excessively cute... Not boxer standard but equally as cute as the boxer ear standard I'm sure...

    Pit Bulls are all shown together cropped and uncropped...easier to fault uncropped ears than cropped ones... But it will be interresting to see how many in the breed choose to go uncropped...

    Most docked breeds are docked for a reason... JRT's are for a handle in order to pull dogs out of fox dens... Boerboels work with livestock and wild animals so are docked for their safety because tail injuries could be quite bad for them. Same with Rotts being docked... Not sure about ear cropping except for rare breeds like the CAS...they get a "shepherds" crop and it keeps them safe from coyotes and other wild animals from using ears as an attacking point...same with the CAS tails being docked...as well as the ACD's tails... There is purpose for some...but others...it is not needed and for conformation showing dogs...I dont' see any reason for it to be a requirement...might as well devide the breeds into showing types and working types more completely with ammends to tail and ear cropping and docking eh?
  4. Angie

    Angie New Member

    LOL! :0017:
  5. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I would imagine they'll be shown together. The AKC already gets enough complaints about different varieties of the same breed, and people think it makes the group judging drag out too long.

    Only time will tell how well the uncropped dogs are recieved. A good judge will leave personal predjudice out of the equasion, and judge an animal on it's merits as to how well it measures up to the standard. But like anything else, there are good judges and bad judges. In time, breeders and handlers sort out what judge likes what type, and avoid the ones they know won't give their dogs a fair evaluation.

    I hope we see more natural dogs, not just boxers, but all cropped breeds, in the show ring. There's a whole lot more to a dog's conformation than how well someone whacked off a piece of their anatomy, and a good judge will know that. By showing more dogs that are left natural, breeders will be forced at some point to pay more attention to the proper size and placement of the ears, rather than altering the ear to make it fit the standard. That would be a good thing, IMO.

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