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PLEASE CROSSPOST lost Rottie in Illinois

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member


    Smooth is still lost.

  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Thanks for the update. I live 3 miles outside of Carbondale, and know the area you're talking about. So we'll definately be looking.

    I thought for a minute we'd found her today, but the dog turned out to be a male. We have him at the kennel, where he's being evaluated for temperment, so far so good, and hopefully he'll find a new home soon.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm guessing Smooth is microchipped or tattooed or something, but I can't say for sure. Thanks for keeping an eye out.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Another update:

  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    well its a good thing she is still around, please keep us updated

  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It's all just so sad. The poor dog is probably trying to figure out where mommy is. :(

    It seems that she wasn't wearing her seatbelt when she had the accident. Please everyone - buckle up!
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh my, keeping my fingers crossed and praying she will be found shortly, she must be very hungry
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I'd bet people are putting all kinds of food out for her... I can't get her little picture out of my head... Wondering to and fro looking for mom... Heart wrenching really... Poor girl... I hope they find her and she has someone familiar to greive with!
  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I had a bizare dream last night I had found her while we are on raft trip ,(how wierd) and I brought her back in an intertube (which is even more wierd)
  10. Sara

    Sara New Member

    All I've dreampt of lately is drama with the dogs... I'm sooo tired because I'm running around saving dogs and rescuing/finding my own I just can't get any sleep! I'm sure I'll start having horse ones now too... Seems Jack's got sand in his gut so it'll be nerve racking till I can get him on stall mats and emptied out... YIKES... I'll probably dream of my horse in the dog run eating dog poo and dogs escaping into the neighbors yard to eat out of the sand box and getting bloated and rolling around from tummy ache... Ahhh fun night ahead of me... HJ will probably be running back and forth from the horse to the dogs frantically looking for me who...is...what will I be doing...stuck in the new house behind a wall of boxes!

    Yes that sums up my dreams and real life activities these days... Boy...if I were out in that area I'd really be in a pickle...searching for a lost Rottie Amongst all the rest of the haywire events! I do wish I could help more than follow the story online...

    How are the rest doing??? Do they have places to go and do they need anything like toys and/or food stuff like that?
  11. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Well, the story made the front page of our local paper today. Hopefully that will help in the search. They've also set up a command post of sorts at a local inn. If I didn't have to work I'd be out there looking too.

    Hope they find her soon. The coyotes are becoming really active with the warmer weather we're having. I'd hate to have her tangle with those. They aren't the coyotes you see in the old western movies. These coyotes are huge by comparison, and pretty aggressive toward dogs.
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Shine, glad to hear there is so much coverage, She just has to be found soon with so many people looking for her. I know first hand about coyotes, Wylie got attacked by 3 of them last year in broad daylight in front of our house luckily she only had minor bite wounds.
  13. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Wonder how many of those big guys have dog in there somewhere... I bet lots of them do...

    I'll crosspost this in a horse forum...might be some up there who can help too... Dogs and horses you know...they tend to go hand in hand...
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Thanks for the support everyone. I'd go down and help if I thought it would do any good, but Smooth doesn't know me. Hopefully her other handler will go down this weekend and see if he can get her to come for him. Or even better, hopefully she found her crate and settled in to rest on mommy's coat and they can pick her up.

    As for the other dogs, all I was told is that they were picked up by a friend. I think they all have homes. I offered to foster any of them that needed it but have not been asked to, so I think they have already been placed. I'm sure she had enough friends that were willing to take the dogs. I was admiring Buttercup (Am Staff) at the trial - that's how I ended up talking with her. I bet I'll see her dogs again with their new owners at a future trial.

    All of her dogs were rescues, so I can't even imagine what poor Smooth is going through. I'm sure she will have a whole new pile of baggage to unload when she finally gets to her new home. :cry:
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Another update.

    I am just heartbroken. That poor trucker. And Smooth - I'm sure she knew her mommy was gone and she panicked. And Buttercup, smooshed in her crate. At least it sounds like she is okay. What horrors. Maybe if you have a large vehicle like that it is safer if you secure the crates to something? Is there any way we can make our dogs safer in an accident?
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Here's the text of an article in the local paper near the accident. There are some inaccuracies, like she was traveling from Kansas (not Chicago) to Chattanooga, and according to the truck driver's account, Smooth did not try to prevent his entering the RV.

    The statement by Martha Mulkin who saw the news coverage before details were released and saw the dog crate covered with agility ribbons really hit me hard. That must have been so scary for her.

  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  18. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I don't know if you guys are interested in my frequent updates, but here is the latest:

  19. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Thanks, Jimiya, please do keep us posted. at least she is getting food> keeping my fingers crossed and praying she is cuaght soon.

  20. Sara

    Sara New Member

    :eek: Yay found this today:


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