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Winter doldrums here with my kitties

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sunset05, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    It is the middle of February and it has been cloudy here forever. My kitties and I seem to have the winter doldrums a lot.

    Are you kitties affected by the weather. Mine really seem bored lately and I seem to get down a bit, too.

    Here is a picture of what it looks like outside right now. Actually it is a little better than the gray look we have been having. The snow is pretty.

  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Looks like my area too! Luckily we've been getting lots of sun lately so a lot of the white stuff has melted.

    My husband gets the winter blues. I turn on this insanely bright light for him in the mornings when I get out of bed. It simulates the sun and does help with the depression.

    Moe loves the winter. I throw her snowballs (inside the house) that she loves to chase around. I also take her outside to play in the snow occasionally. She usually just sits on the front steps for a couple of minutes and then wants back in though.
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I personally have the winter doldrums. But, I have to say, my cats could care less. They don't seem to notice any difference. But, I do know that when the warmer weather comes, they'll be dying to sniff the fresh outside air. (And so will I!)
  4. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    That pic is soooo pretty! I have never been to the snow... the closest i have come to snow is the ice crystals in the freezer. :? I reckon it would be soo nice to have a white xmas. Here in Sydney we don't get snow in winter.
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    That's a pretty picture! You have more snow than we have here, like Halaroo we'v had alot of sun lately. Not that it's hot, we're still below zero, and will be for months to come :( The sun makes me believe that the spring is right around the corner, but we'll probably get more snow before that happens....
    I think I have the winter doldrums, I get very easily depressed, but I haven't noticed much of it this winter, luckily! :)

    Kyrre loves the cold weather! His fur is amazingly thick, and he tries to be outside as much as he can. Such a big contrast to his mother, wich I see around sometimes. She is so petite, and tries her best to avoid stepping on the cold ground, while Kyrre is huge in comparison and races around in the snow for hours :mrgreen:
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    What a gorgeous scenery! Milo has cabin fever. He's been scratching the heck out of the door frame that leads to the outdoors. :roll:
  7. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Mittens and Socks are allowed to go out and although Socks is very shy and doesn't venture very far, she likes it when I leave the garage door open so if she if she ventures out she knows she has a place to run and hide in.

    Mittens just like to go outside. So it is too cold to leave the garage door open and Mittens only lasts about 2 minutes outside so both kitties are so bored.

    It is interesting, that you who don't get snow would love to have it and we who get it all the time are sick of it. I can understand, though. I do like the snow and would miss it if we never got it but I guess too much of it gets tiring and the worse part of it are the cloudy days that go on and on.

    I envy you who have a lot of sun all the time. It must be nice. Keeps you spirit brightened.

    By the way, the sun it trying to come out today. Hurrah!
  8. Michelle Wachniak

    Michelle Wachniak New Member

    That is a lovely back yard you have there, by the way!!!

    My Ruby does seem to have the winter blahs. She tires out quicker when we're playing and flops down on the floor when she's had enough. She also falls asleep earlier in the evening.......around 8:30pm or thereabouts. But with the weather being a bit nicer, -10C or so, she really really wants to be outside. So for about 1 1/2 minutes a day after I get home from work, she sticks her nose and toes outside. She detests the snow and will vigorously shake the offensive matter from her delicate princess paws if any DARES to attach itself to her highness :roll: .

    I get winter-weary too. Here in Saskatchewan, we have winter from the end of October to at least the end of March.......we've even had really crappy weather in April. So needless to say, when Spring hits, I am bouncing off the walls!!! Ruby Smelly-Bum and I will be tearing up the backyard!!!
  9. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    in the uk we've had snow all week i luv it! ollie liked it to he tryed to chase it wen he was inside wen he went out side he was going mad over it!he looked like he had bad dandraf!(sp)

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