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Female budgie picking on everyhting in the cage...

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by kuroiruy, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. kuroiruy

    kuroiruy New Member

    Got this lil stubborn female very sweet, but destructive. She constantly plays with cage doors, picks on the wiring of the cage. She develops new habits weekly, she eats weirdly as well, the food holder with the seeds, she would jump into it and sort of like a chicken would disperse all the food on the floor, when I feed veggie or fruits, she plucks at it and spits it out, is she bored and trying to keep herself entertained, I am not sure, plz help! :?
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi how old is she?
    Kicking food out of the food dish is her way of trying to find the seeds she likes since budgie seed has 2-3 types in it some birds only prefer 1 type and will search the dish till they find it.

    female birds when they are wanting to nest become very distructive they will chew paper, bars, food and water dishes anything they can get there beak into.

    Also if she does not get out of cage time she will become bored and that can cause distructive chewing.

  3. kuroiruy

    kuroiruy New Member

    Budgie destructive in cage

    She is about 2 and a half years old, I put in the nest box, but then I took it out when a new budgie was introduced they seemed to loose intrest in it. As for coming out my budgies are always flying and walkin around the room, they are only within the cage when they sleep at night. Will the behavior stop and should I go on with the breeding them? I am not sure if its such a good idea..TNX!
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi how long have the birds been together and how many are caged together.

    When breeding its best to give the breeding pair 6-12months together this gives them time to form a strong bond for when they start to lay eggs and raise chicks.

    I prefer only 1 pair to a cage as female budgies become very agressive around breeding time especially if they have eggs or chicks in the nest.

    If the male is over 16months old and they have been together for some time you could try reintroducing the nest box and line it with about 2inchs of plain woodshavings you may find she will throw it out of the nest but simply place it back in as it will help keep the eggs warm when the parents are out of the nest aswell as aborb the moisture from the chicks poop.

    Budgies are not nest builders so there is no point giving them nesting material to build there own nests as they do not know how.

    See how she gets on and if she carries on the destructive behaviour after the nest is back in and there are eggs i would not breed from her again as this trait will be passed onto her chicks.

  5. kuroiruy

    kuroiruy New Member

    Destructive female budgie around the cage

    My budgies count in 3, a male and two females, 2 of which been together for almost 2 years, and a younger female. For the younger female should I take her out from the cage after I reintroduce the nest? I am not sure that the older pair will like her around...TNX!
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    If you are planning on breeding your older pair i would suggest removing the younger one before you give back the nest box.

    If you want to breed your younger one you can get a young male and place them into a cage together and allow them to bond then you know they are well bonded when old enough to breed this again is your choice.

    But do remove her from the cage of the pair you plan on breeding.

    Good luck and lets hope things go well.


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