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Abbey possible Ear Infection

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by abbeys-mom, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Hello All,

    I think Abbey might have an ear infection. I noticed lat night while grooming her, that one ear is slightly pinkish inside, and there was brown stuff in there. It doesn't seem to smell or anything. I tried to clean it with a Q tip and some Aloe Vera juice, but I am slightly reluctant as I don't want to damage her ear. The reason I am posting about this and not running off to my vet is because I am a little strapped for cash right now, so I thought someone on here my have some home remedies to try prior to going to the vet.

    Any suggestions please let me know.

  2. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    My dog gets ear infections often. Doe she have hair inside of her ears? If so, pluck them out so the air can get in easier. My dog has that same brown stuff...it's the infection. You can try to wash your dogs ears out with 1/2 water and 1/2 peroxide. Pour a little in there and massage the ear until you hear a swishing sound. That's the rinse getting down into the ear. Then take some gauze and gently clean the ear out. (Of course don't use a q-tip). Hopefully this will help :)
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I clean everyone's ears once a month with a half mouth wash half water solution...and a cotton ball... I don't pour it in I get the cotton ball wet and us that to get the dirt and stuff out...

    I've heard to use Peroxide and water...and let them shake it around before you wipe...girgling sound??? I want to try it just to see what the sound is... I think thought that for regular ear washing peroxide and water are not necessary... it's when an infection is in the works one should use that...or see the vet...
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I dont know whats available over the counter in Cananda but in US you can buy from most pet stores a basic ear wash solution, flush the ear out gently and swab with a cotton ball, using Q-Tips can push debris further down into the ear and cause further problems. What kind of 'brown' stuff is in there? If its like a medium brown shade it could just be a build up of wax, if its dark, almost black and 'scabby like' it could be ear mites in which case you should take her to a vet, mineral oil will kill any mites but it wont kill the eggs. Is she scratching a lot? If it continues or gets worse over the a weekor so, I know the money may be an issue but you may need a trip to the vet.
  5. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Being a dog groomer, I've heard both sides of the hair plucking issue. If we pluck and the dog gets an ear infection, the vet blames us; we shouldn't have plucked the ears. It causes irritation and leads to infection. But if we didn't pluck, and the dog gets an ear infection, the vet still blames us; we should have plucked the ears so air can circulate better. Honestly? I don't think anyone has a definative answer to that question. I have my own opinion on it, and prefer to trim excess hair away from the ear with a Conair personal trimmer.

    Now, for many years, the vet's I've worked for argued amongst themselves about using peroxide in the ears. Some were all for it. Some said it causes erosion of tissue and leads to ulcerations. Again, I don't know if anyone has a definative answer on that one, either.

    But here's an ear cleaner they used in the clinic that worked pretty darned well.

    You'll need rubbing alcohol, boric acid powder, white vinegar and Betadine solution. You should be able to get the boric acid powder and Betadine solution at any pharmacy.

    Mix it EXACTLY like this:

    5.5 ounces rubbing alcohol
    1/2 Tablespoon boric acid powder
    Shake in a mixing bottle until the boric acid powder is completely dissolved.
    Add 2.5 ounces white vinegar
    Shake again
    Then add 1 tsp Betadine solution
    Shake and it's ready to use.

    Squirt some in the ear canal and massage the base of the ear well. Let the dog shake his head, then wipe with cotton balls or tissue.

    This is an ear CLEANER. It's not intended to treat a serious infection of any sort. Remember, there's no substitute for veterinary diagnosis and treatment. If the ear doesn't improve quickly, don't wait. See your vet.

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