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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by oso, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. oso

    oso New Member

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    First trip to a dog park

    I dont your dog so I cant say what he will do however I can tell you from years of taking not only my own dogs (except one that I know is very aggressive with other dogs) but a lot of rescue dogs that to my knowledge had not been to a dog park before, they usually love it, some are a little nervous at first, my 110# Rott almost had a heart attack I think the first time she went and saw about 20 dogs coming at her but within a few seconds she was chasing half a dozen tennis balls all over the place with them, there have been times when I have seen as many as 60 or 70 dogs at the park, occasionally Ill hear some growling but the only time Ive ever seen a fight get serious is when a few of the owners tried to seperate the dogs, this just adds to the frustration and adrenelin, 99% of the time the dogs will sort any problems out themselves with no damage to any parties, maybe jst a little bruised pride. If your nervous about it your dog may pick up on that and become a little defensive, try and relax and Im sure you'll both enjoy the experience.
  3. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    One thing people often make the mistake of doing is if they are nervous, they leave the dog on the leash. This makes most dogs more anxious and defensive b/c they feel they can't defend themselves or escape if there is a problem. So...when you are there, make sure you take him off the leash. Also, you could try to go when there aren't too many people there. I know at my dog park, Sundays are packed but there are certain times during the week you can go where there are just a few dogs.
  4. goob

    goob New Member

    I'll be the rotten egg here and suggest that it is not wise to take your boy to the dog park. Generally bull breed dogs are not the best cantidates for the dog park due to their propensity for dog aggression. If something happens there, whether your dog is responsible or not, he most likely WILL be blamed. He's just coming into his own now (if I remember right, he's still under a year?), and at any time could decide he doesn't like other dogs, or that he won't tolerate other dogs challenging him anymore. You can't really control the environment at the dog park, and since he doesn't listen so well when other dogs are around, you'll even have a hard time getting him out of bad situations you may find him in. You can read more on why pit bulls and dogparks are generally not a good combination on BADRAP and on PBRC
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I thought oso had a great dane? or am I getting confused? or is a g.d. in the pit bull group? sorry if I am confused
  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    In all cases I don't think dog parks are optimal because of the lack of control you have over the environment there etc... Especially with younger animals no matter what breed. The comment about the Rott being so nervous is one example of a good thing happenning but some dogs don't react nicely when afraid and can become aggressive...on or off leash...off leash there's even less control and On leash the dog feels cornered... Either way it could spell disaster...no matter the breed... IMO dog parks are not exactly the best and if you have other outlets for your dog to spend time eith other dogs you KNOW and are friendly with already...or other outlets for your dog to be offleash... I would choose those rather than a dog park...

    Rotten Egg number 2
  7. Angie

    Angie New Member

    if he listens 'less' when around other dogs, i wouldnt let him off the leash. this is just my opinion. but maybe you should slowly get him used to being around other dogs before you bring him to a dog park.
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    rott at the dog park

    My Rott was already used to being around other dogs, she had a great temperement and was not aggressive, she was also fully off leash trained, she just hadnt seen so many dogs all running around at the same time. I never take chances with a 'questionable' dog and I do have another dog that is dog aggressive, I would NEVER take her to a dog park. However I worked with a rescue organization and we would often take a bunch of dogs there, probably in the time I was there, somewhere in the region of 200-300 dogs (not at the same time :wink: )and not once did we have any problems. I think its a matter of knowing your own dogs personality and making the decision to go to a park or not based on that.
  9. Sara

    Sara New Member

    AND training... need control of your dog when off leash at a dog park or it could make it easier for problems to arise...
  10. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    If you are concerned, why not take him to an "open play doggie day care" for a day - or even a couple of times - to see see how he reacts in a group. This is a semi-contolled situation and, if there were to be a problem, then there would be experienced people to take control of the situation.
  11. oso

    oso New Member

    Well, there is definitly alot of advice, oso is a pitt. So tell me... how about some advice on off leash training. Is this something only done at pet smart. Oso completed the first round at the store and it did help teach him alot. Should I take himto the next class, or is there some things I can start with at home?
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    for off leash training, this is how I was taught, you can do this anywhere take a long rope ant attach it to oso. you want it short for the first few weeks, get him to sit and stay, you have probably already used the word stay walk away from him, giving him the stay command, let him sit there, and using a treat, mine liked small bits of hot dogs and give the "come command" and pull the rope, when he comes give him a treat, you an use any word, you keep this up and keep moving farther apart over time only when he has master this, can he be off leash/rope

    and I would continue puppy school, its a great way to get him socialised with other dogs

    good luck
  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Personally Ive always started off leash training after the dog is 100% on leash trained, without any treats (I only use treats for tricks, not obedience). Then I start in a confined area like the back yard or a room in the house and just go in stages, every dog is different though, some will respond immediately others it takes a lot of work, just depends on the particular dog and the handler. Pet Smart is not the only place doing off leash training, most trainers will or should be able to do it, the end results will depend on how good the trainer is and how consistant you are with your dog, he/she only has to 'break the stay' or 'not come back on recall immediately' one time and the dog has learned really fast that he/she doesnt have to 'abide by the rules'....
    Most dogs that Ive seen at dog parks have very little or no training, the idea is to let them run around and play and give them a chance to socialize, as I said the few hundred rescues that Ive taken to parks have never had any problems nor have they gone through training classes (I dont take the dog aggressive ones) and theyve always come back to me or the person I was with, if not straight away usually with a few minutes.
  14. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    DO NOT DO THIS WHERE THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE AROUND. pick a nice quiet place to do it :0024: my wounds ended up getting infected and now i have a huge hole in one of my ankles.
  15. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    OUCH !!!
    Weve treated quite a few dogs with broken legs after becoming tangled in the line also, I never use anything longer than a 6 ft leash.
  16. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Well... No one has said this so I will... I don't think a dog park is a place for Pit Bulls...

    On that note a 6 foot lead should be sufficient to do off leash training... Master "sit" from a distance during play and Come... ON leash...then move to off leash in a backyard type setting (can't get out, few distractions etc.) I use treats intermittenly...dog never knows when he/she will get a treat once the behavior I want is established...

    Master "sit" and stay to ensure that your dog won't go tearing towards you should you be accrossed a busy street from your dog... Master come so that your dog can be recalled EVERY time...
  17. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    In our obdience class come was the most important, because it could save your dogs life, if the dog runs away and a car is coming, yell come, hopefully this would never really happen. But we started with this only from a short distance, then worked on sit stay stuff, then at the end went back to come, but at a distance
  18. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I was in a hurry leaving so I did leave out too much. Like Sarah Sarah said you need to have the sit and stay mastered first. and do it in a quiet place so the dog is not distracted. they say to move on to that once the dog has mastered the "come" in a quiet place the practice where there are distractions, again though on lead so the dog wont bolt and get hurt.

    you can practice this by beng in an area like your front yard, again on lead, have someone walk by wiht a dog, or just make distractions, as you are doign your recall, but this stage is usually far down the line.

    Or as Delauk suggested if he is more attentive, you can do it off lead in a fenced area, and progess to to other areas with the lead


  19. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    I tend to agree with Sara, Generally a PIT Bull, esp. an intact male is not a good Dog Park candidate, since Animal agression in an APBT is an Inate instict and not a learned behavior.

    I realize there are exceptions to this rule, however.
  20. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Cant say I totally agree with the Pit Bull theory....I have taken many Pits, Am Staffs etc to dog parks with no problems at all, admittedly most were neutered/spayed as they came from shelters and were rescue dogs but I know of quite a few, one breeder in particular who specializes in 'good temprement' who often takes his intact males there and has never had a problem. Again I think it depends on your dogs personality, I dont think that Oso has stated if his dog is neutered or not, not all intact males are necessarily aggressive, I know of another intact Pit that is probably the sweetest dog you could ever meet, he's a stud dog, show dog etc, hes 11 years old now and has never even growled or raised his lip at another dog, like I said its the overall personality of the dog.

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