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5month old lab afraid to walk

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by min, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. min

    min New Member

    hello, im having troubles with my 5 month old lab/shepard, she wont go for walks, she is perfectly comfortable walking with a leash in the backyard, even running free in the backyard, but as soon as we pass the gate to the frontyard, she starts tugigng and pulling on the leash. i dont know whats up ive tried coaxing and cooing her, bribing her with treats, ive tried carrying her about 10 feet past the gate, all without sucess.

    i think one reason for this MIGHT be because the vet told me to keep her in the house untill she gets her third set of shots, so that was about a month, i got her right after her second set.

    please someone help me :(
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    try to drive your pup to an area where he has never been and see if he'll walk from there...after a few times of leaving home to go for walks see how he does when you try to leave your home for a walk.
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Is she tugging and pulling to get ahead or to get back into the yard???
  4. min

    min New Member

    shes tugging to go to the backyard, shes terrified of the frontyard and anything beyond that

    thanks MARY_NH ill try your suggestion
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, try carrying her or driving her down the street and then walk back toward your house. Many pups go through this, so don't despair!
  6. min

    min New Member

    k thanx for the tips :)
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Have to agree with Jamiya and MARY_NH, get her away from the area. Have you tried just driving her down the street a little and walking her back to your house as opposed to leaving the house? She just needs a little desensitization, work with her slowly though dont rush her and while your walking try talking to her calmly and constantly, pet her head slightly or behind the ear it'll give her something else to focus on other than whatever it is shes afraid of, it could be the traffic, people....I had one dog in for training that almost 'lost it' when a butterfly came up close to her, blew a whole days training and took 2 days to get her to walk past the particular flowers the butterfly flew out from.
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    My puppy's not afraid of anything... When she was tiny she got a baby gate on top of her...proceeded to climb out from under it and then walk all over it to see just what it was that fell on her... She's fearless (can be quite dangerous and to date she's been the dog with more injuries in the bunch...and she's only 10 months old...) Well the other day I brought her inside our new house...she did okay...wasn't sure about going in but no biggy...walked all over the upper level... We headed downstairs after that... She was afraid...I had to kinda drag her down...(we lived where we had two levels...almost exactly the same as this house...so...not THAT new... So...when it came time to go UP the stairs... SHE WASN'T having it... I ended up using a leash on her hind end and one on her front to get her UP... I was pressed for time or else I would have spent more on "coaxing" so...that's our big project to work on next...

    Point is...puppies go through fear stages and this is likely what this is...along with lack of experience... Work through it MOSTLY at her pace but pushing her along...JUST beyond her threshold...

    On a side note... It's okay to take your puppy outside in your home after a second set of shots (should have had two before leaving the breeder if they're worth their salt) the only thing is to worry about taking a dog to a place like Petsmart before the whole set of first immunizations because of Parvo and Kennel Cough... We took 5 female puppies, after second shots, from Colorado to Texas...crated...but stopping on the way for potty breaks in an x-pen... Practicing caution at that point is really the issue... puppies into strange places is not something to do BEFORE all shots are given... For future reference... Socialization can be done and should be done as early as possible... Just FYI...not telling you you were wrong in what you did with your pup but this could very well have set you back a ways... Your vet told you to do that and so you did...good on your part for following the vet's lead...
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther was terrified of doors and once we got outside terrified of walking I had to drag him, i felt horribble, but inside the house he ws great no problem, I think he had a fear of doors and abandement. He got better after time, I don't know if it was obdience classes or he finally got confidence or he grew out of it. But it was funny one day, he was so brave and decided he could walk through a door, unfortunately the one he chose was glass and closed! He walked right into it and konked his head! Poor baby!
  10. min

    min New Member

    hehe great tips, thanks again i really appreciate it, im about to take her out to try a couple lets see how it goes
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I remember coming here upset when Nala was a puppy because she didn't seem to like to go for walks and always wanted to go home. Now, of course, she would drag me down the street to stay out walking if I would let her. :)
  12. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    One thing I've done in the past that has never failed to work. Take a buddy along! Is there a dog or pup in the neighborhood that your dog is friends with? Take this dog along for the walk! She'll see that her buddy is not afraid. It'll make it ten times easier, and in no time, she'll be begging to go for a walk with her pal! It works great with horses too.
  13. min

    min New Member

    ahh yes there is another puppy her age a couple houses down, i did get her to the end of the street comfrtably, she hasnt met the other pup yet but ill get them to meet hehe. thanks for the tips i think i have it somewhat in control now she is still a bit scared, but with some encouragement she will go for walks now.:D thanks guys

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