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Chicka Bites Ouch Ouch (i needed 4 words)

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by ChickaChickaBoomBoom, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. I have had chicka for about 3 yrs and she is 3 years old. since last summer she has starting biting? any ways to stop it??it hurts bad.... :(
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi what breed of bird is Chicka?
    Firstly we need to find out what has started this behvaiour off.

    Reasons for sudden biting. Sexual maturity or in breeding condition as females become snappy when they are breeding or laying eggs.

    Fright birds will bute if they feel threatened in anyway and they will attack with the only way the know how to.

    Stress if the bird is stressed out over something new or something new in the cage which they do not like.

    Lack of excersise they should be allowed out of there cage for about an hour to either fly around or just to sit and chill with there owners.

    If there is small children in the home and they have been pushing fingers or toys through the bars at the bird this will turn a normally quiet loving bird into an agressive bird.

  3. chicka is a cockatiel. on the weekends i let her out more than the week sometimes about 4 hrs and she still bites all the time. like when i go to get her or to put her in her cage...
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI it could be that she fears your hands, have you put your hand in the cage quickly when you catch her do you goto her from above as this scares birds you should always be infront of them.

    Cockatiels can be taught up and down commands.

    When you place your hand in the cage slowly hold it there and move slowly until you can get your finger to press gently against her chest once this is achieved simply say up and gently press against her foot while saying this command once she steps up praise her and hold your hand still.

    When teaching the Down command simply place your hand with the bird on next to what you want her to step down on like a perch or her cage simply say down and gently place her near what it is she is to step down onto.
    Using these commands helps reinforce the bond between owner and bird.

    Also when going to take her from the cage or place her back in the cage you can have her favourite treat or some millet in your hand this will teach her you do not mean her harm but your there to help.

    Also having her wings clipped also calms aggression in birds as they can not get full height during flight and depend on there own by the time the feathers grow back the bond is already there and she will stop the biting and come to you with no problems at all.

    Its all about patience and not jumping or pulling your hand away suddenly when they bite i know it can hurt but they soon learn ooooh if i bite they leave me alone this is not what you want.

    If it helps put on some thick gloves and alow her to bite while you hold her but do not put her down she will learn biting does not get her anything.

  5. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I've found something besides a glove that works pretty well with smaller birds that bite. I put a couple of strips of adhesive tape, like you use for bandages, around my finger, and just let them bite.

    So many birds I've dealt with panic over a glove, but don't seem to notice a band aid or tape. You just have to be sure the bird doesn't get it off of your finger to chew on it.

    Don't try this with a larger parrot, though. They bite too hard.

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