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Is watery poop always bad?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by drab911, Feb 27, 2005.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Hello everyone... When I first got my bird her poop was rather solid.. now just recently I have noticed that it is quite watery.. she is acting normal as always and is eating and drinking normally... does this always mean there is something wrong?? I have not been able to get them to eat vegitables yet but they are on a quality seed diet.. any advice woudl be great
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI watery poop is usually a sign in a female bird that she is in egg laying mode if you have a male and female together chances are thats whats wrong.

    What colour is her cere?
    How old are the birds?

    Watery poop can also be caused by a deficiency in there diet is this affecting all birds or just this one.

    But watery poop normally only ever occurs in egg laying females is her poop also very large as in larger than normal.

  3. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    info on the runs! :)

    Hey mike.. thanks for your response! I have had Marley for about 5 months.. and I am pretty sure she was very young when I got her.. I think it is a her because here cere is pink.. though she seeems to do quite a bit of chirping like the constant type that I would imagine a male would do.. and she humps her toys.. which you thought that mostly males do.. but the other bird seems to be a male becuase his cere is rather blueish and he is rather larger though that might be due to the clupped wings and him not getting as much exercise.. but his poop is fine and only hers are bad.. so i guesss its probably the egg thing... I am not wanting to have any babies so as long as I dont have a nest I should be Ok right? Thanks a lot!
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Female birds will try and mate with tehre toys, food dishes, perches anything they can when they are in breeding condition.

    Aslong as she does not have a nest there should be no eggs but most birds are known to lay them on the cage floor or in there food dish.

    Just keep a close eye on her and see how she gets on.


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