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my cat is limping.,.,.,.,.,help plz.,.,.,.,.,

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by eman, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. eman

    eman New Member

    my cat is limping and i dont think she has broken anything because she will use her leg but will sometimes hold it up like it hurts. I felt it and didnt feel like anything was broken.. is it possible that she may have sprained it?

    her nails were caught on something yesterday, and i had to help her take it off. could this have anything to do with it?
    does it heal on its own?

    eman salman
  2. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Her claws may need clipping. Check to see if any of them have curved around and is cutting into her pads. Either way, you should have her checked by a vet because limping is not normal
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    My kitty Socks was limping awhile back and I had already had an appointment with the Vet the next week for her yearly checkup--so I was going to mention when I was there. But by the time she went to the checkup she wasn't limping anymore. I think she must have strained something when she jumped off the desk one day.

    You could have it checked by your Vet. At least keep an eye on it and if it doesn't improve soon deffinitely go to the Vet.

    Best of luck :)

    Keep us posted.
  4. lilsisterz62

    lilsisterz62 New Member

    Maybe your kitty overshot the table from the arm of the chair and slid into the lamp, then bounced over to your knee (while you're standing on the stairs)...that's what usually happens in our house...but then I'm the one limping after that. (ha!)

    Then again...Maddie, our all time champion hunter, had a little "kitty stroke" and she was dragging her left front paw a few days before her passing away...but she was pretty old.

    Might be a pulled tendon. I vote for a visit to the vet if it continues.
  5. luna

    luna New Member

    buster wa limping and it turned out that he had singed his paw on something. mom pulled off the singed hairs and we rubed the paw with cold water and a small pice of ice.
  6. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    If she caught her nails in something and was struggling to get free, it's very possible she sprained or strained something or cracked a nail. Check her nails and see if one is cracked, broken, or in some way causing her pain. If she's bearing weight on the leg but limping, you can probably give her 24-48 hours and see if it resolves on its own. If not, have the vet check her out.

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