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Michael Jackson's Trial - How do you feel about it ?

Discussion in 'General Topics & Support Issues' started by Auspetian, Feb 1, 2005.


Michael Jackson's Trial - How do you feel about the "King of Pop" ?

  1. I support and love Michael unconditionally

    0 vote(s)
  2. I think Michael is misunderstood and treated unfairly. He is innocent !

    0 vote(s)
  3. I think he is guilty and should be locked up and the key thrown away

    0 vote(s)
  4. I think he is mentally ill and needs help

    0 vote(s)
  5. I don't really care either way

    0 vote(s)
  1. Auspetian

    Auspetian Administrator Staff Member

    Please vote.
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I think M.J. is in denial about his fascination with children.

    I predict that he will be found mentally incompetent, ordered to have extensive therapy, registered as a sex offender, and ordered to stay away from children. He may even have his own children taken away.

    I doubt he will be incarcerated.

    The trial is expected to last 6 months. How would you like to be on that jury and have your life put on hold for that long?
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I had to vote that I don't care either way.

    I did that because I don't know where the truth lies. I think the whole situation is pretty messed up. There are so many angles on the story that it's at the point that the only Michael and the boy (and his brother) know the whole truth.

    Michael Jackson is a man. He is a human being. He has flaws. People put him up on a God-like pedastal and are either in denial that he has made huge errors or they are appalled that Michael Jackson (the king of pop) could do such a thing.

    I just hope that the court system works and that the correct verdict is returned (whatever it is. I truly don't know).
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Ditto what lucidity said... I don't know what the truth is.
  5. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I ditto what lucidity says also but I voted for that he is misunderstood.

    I am a MJ fan and have been for a long long time. I definately think he is misunderstood and I truly do want to believe he is innocent. Of course I have never met him or the boy so I really don't know.
    I have heard a bunch about the case and there are some things about the boy, his mother, and the prosecutor that make me think that MJ is innocent.

    I want the truth to come out but at the same time I don't want MJ to go to jail. I think that would be the end of him, literally. If it is true, I think he needs mental help.
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i also voted that he is misunderstood. people keep seeing a child having a friendship with an adult as wrong. i do not see anything wrong with that. i liken it to a child forming a bond with step parents, parents friends etc. the only reason people are kicking up a stink is because is because the children are associating with an adult male star. and god forbid a child see this adult male stars bedroom! i bet you if this was a woman no one would bat an eyelid. mj also does not have the traits of a paedophile. most paedophiles/child molesterers do not believe they have done something wrong. they think that it was their god given right to abuse children. mj has also stated that he sees child abuse as disgusting and cruel, something a paedophile would most probably never ever admit. there are ALWAYS going to be people trying to get him for money. i wish he never gave into settlement on the first allegations, because it would have never paved the way for more money hungry parents to sue him. by the way for anyone who thinks settlement equals admission of guilt youre wrong. if i were him id probably settle too. i dont like people invading my privacy and disturbing me every 2 seconds so id want something like that over and done with. but......

    i do think he needs help too. his plastic surgery obsession and his need to keep his kids away from society has become far too much and he will soon destroy his life with it. i also think he needs to know there is a world full of very nasty people *cough parents* and to just stay away from kids, no matter how much they mean to him, so this doesnt happen again.
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I didnt vote because I think there should be an other, I believe like SHaron he has the wierd fascination with children that is not normal, but then he did not have anormal childhood at all, does this mean he is a CM. I dont know. With what the media says he is and the leads me to believe he is, and then I read the the first boys transcripts from years ago from his first settlement its on smokingun.com and that reinformces it, but then he is a huge star, is wierd and maybe people are just out to get him because of his fame and fortune.

    "I just hope that the court system works and that the correct verdict is returned (whatever it is. I truly don't know)."
    like lucidity this is how I feel.
  8. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    well said.

    i cant get that image out of my head tho, with him dangling his child off that balcony tho... he deffinately needs help. i dont think he's a molestor .. just... very messed up.
  9. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    as above, im not sure on what is the truth and what isnt.

    but....... the clip the news showed ages ago about him hanging the baby over the railings is truth, and from watching that i,d say he didnt look as if he was going to drop the child literally, and he wasnt really fully consious of his actions. i feel he was mentally consious of his actions tho, which makes me believe that his problem is down to mental health issues.

    The amount of acusations on him having alot of kids at his etc, and him addmitting it is scary, as it appears he is overly interested in boys and general children, but again this cd b due to his mental status or the other view is that he cd be very perverted.

    So i'm not sure, as i dont follow the news that often, but ina ray of hope i say that hos mental health needs assessing in court thru a brain scan for abnormal brain activity, or as someone said above, intensive therapy.
  10. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I watched a show on tv about him a few days ago and they said there were pictures found of naked children in his house.
  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    the Michael Jackson case

    Im all for innocent until proved guilty and I guess all will come out in court but I absolutely do not agree with this kyles101, from what Ive seen he does have 'possible' traits of a pedophile although that is not something that most people would know for sure unless they knew him personally (maybe you do)and even then molesters are very good at covering up...and most child molesters/pedophiles absolutely know they are doing something wrong or else why would 'dont forget to keep it a secret between us' be a big part of what they are doing, if molesters went around announcing they thought molesting kids was okay then it wouldnt be so hard to find them and get them locked away.

    Another thing is there is something wrong with all these kids parents, whether he's a molester or not, what parent in their right mind allows their kid to spend night after night at a STRANGERS house....yes he may be well known publicly but he is still a stranger.
  12. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I think that he needs some SERIOUS help. I haven't kept up on the case cause i find it all very confusing and absolutly insane. (What can i say, I' only 14) so from what i know and from what i see he needs help.
  13. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Do I think he's guilty? I don't know. There's a lot of signs that point that way. Child molesters don't go around advertising their obsessions, and tend to lead pretty normal appearing lives. And Michael sure seems to have some obsessions, and leads a fairly abnormal looking life. So maybe he is, maybe he isn't. Maybe he's deluded and in total denial.

    I do think he has some serious psychological issues that need to be dealt with. If nothing else comes out of this, I hope he gets a wake-up call and seeks help.
  14. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I just read about another lawsuit involving Michael Jackson which is a great example why I think it is really impossible to know if he is guilty or not. A week or so ago, MJ was sick so they took him to the hospital where the doctors put him in a private room. There was an old lady there who had had a heart attack and they moved her to another room where she subsequently had more heart attacks and died. Now the family is suing MJ because this is somehow his fault!!! That really irritates me. How can they possibly blame it on him? Even if she died b/c she was moved (which is questionable considering she was 80 something or so), that is the hospitals fault, not MJ's.

    It just seems that there are so many ppl out there after his money, it is impossible to know who is telling the truth and who isn't. This mother of the boy, she obviously knew that he had prior accusations (as did everyone else in the entire freaking world) yet she let her children spend the night with him? (not saying he did anything but even I, as a MJ Fan, wouldn't let my 13 yr old son stay overnight with him, just to be safe). She took his (MJs) money freely, spending it on herself on stuff like lingerie and plastic surgery. Then, when the money stops, and before her son supposedly says anything about being molested, she takes him to the attorney who was the attorney for the 1993 boy who claimed to be molested. Why???? HEr son had yet to say he was molested? This attorney sends them to a psychiatrist of his where, miraculously, the boy reveals MJ molested him and they go to the police.

    There is even more stuff about it. The boy has even made claims that his parent's abused him which he later recanted. And his mother has sued JC Penneys over a sexual abuse claim and had her kids take the stand and lie.

    I really don't see how he can be convicted if the defense lays all this out. It is just too messed up. Even if he was really molested, the situation is questionable. My theory is that, if he was molested, I think the mother wanted MJ to molest the kid just to get his money. She totally set him up and used her sick boy as bait for MJ. That is if he was molested, which I am not really sure of.

    IT is just one giant mess I think for everyone involved.
  15. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I agree with everyones point.

    There is alot of flaws in the case look at this boys mother she went around alot of stars begging for money because her son needed chemotherapy they all turned her away except for MJ because of his love for children he helped her out and gave her money.

    I also agree she like everyone else knew about his past allegations but still she allowed her children to stay there, She in my opinion needs help for doing so i also think she set MJ up.

    But hopefully the court will make the right decision and either way someone is going to win i for one really do hope that MJ is telling the truth and that he takes action against this mother.

    Elizavixen has some really great points and i agree totally..

    I think he has mental problems because of him hanging one of his kids over tha balcony i think the best way to get the truth from him is either a lie detector test or hypnosis the truth comes out with either one.

  16. smileywaveygirl

    smileywaveygirl New Member

    I don't really know enough about the case to know either way. though i do know that the boy's family has a history (or so my dad has told me) of making false allegations. I think he is a bizarre person, but then a lot of people who have kids are bizarre and if they took kids away from everyone who is slightly bizarre, wouldn't that be an awful lot of kids in care?
    To my mum, for example, she thinks he's guilty because why else would he have all those kids there... but surely having kids over isn't a whole lot different to any other adult who knows kids having them over.
    But yeah, i don't know enough about it all to make a judgement, and till I do no enough, I'm not making a judegment, cos that wouldn't be fair.
  17. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Is anyone watching this case on the news? I know that he is innocent until proven guilty.
    However the woman that testified yesterday has me completely stunned. Are people really that start struck!!!! She said that Jackson had begged and cried to her because she wouldnt allow her son to sleep in his bed with him so after his 'tantrum' (Jacksons...not her sons) she gave in....WHAT!!!!! If they find him guilty that woman should also be charged with child abuse...talk about handing kids to him 'on a plate'. If ANYONE, I dont care who they are had ever thrown a tantrum or even just had the nerve to ask me if my child could sleep in their bed with them....if they were lucky I would have called the cops....'or maybe taken care of ithem myself'.....stupid, stupid people.
  18. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    my husband and I were tlaking about this last night, that the parents need to charged too, with and or the crazy people that worked for him. an ex guard testified this week he saw mj and a boy having sex, WELLLL how come he didnt report it to the police, that makes me sick
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :shock: :roll: i watch it on court tv every day. its fascinating. he has all the hallmarks of a pedaphile, and perpetrator. the grooming, the pornography they found LOCKED UP in his file cabinet. if he didnt think there was anything wrong with looking at erotica of young boys, then why was it locked up? i saw some of the pictures...and they are sick in my opinion. it was pornography. and who would want that kind of thing anyway? would you date a guy that had that kind of stuff locked up in his room?? and would you allow your children to be around a man that looks at that kind of material? no way. i wouldnt. and can the jury say, that beyond a reasonable doubt, if they left their own child with him alone, that their child would be safe?

    and i agree with delauk...dangling his own child over that balcony. :? complete disregard for his safety, only regard for his own attention and publicity. incredibly poor judgement and abusive. :m3: just because he is a star....people are in denial. just because he calls himself a kid...peter pan...etc doesnt mean he is not held to an adult standard. to excuse his behavior, because he is "just a child" inside is incredibly distorted and inappropriate.

    child sexual abuse occurs in different forms. physical, ritual, and emotional. children need their own beds and privacy. children should not be sleeping with their parents regularly much less a grown man that has no biological relationship. men have erections in their sleep and ejaculations. i would not really want my son sleeping with a "family friend" knowing all these things. i wouldnt even want my son sleeping with a family friend who didnt have any of these problems. think about it. if your neighbor called up, and asked if your son could come over to spend the night...and that your son would be sleeping with him....wouldnt you question that??? like...uh....whats going on here.? :0011: but because michael jackson is who he is...he is held to a different standard. i think thats wrong.
  20. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "child sexual abuse occurs in different forms. physical, ritual, and emotional. children need their own beds and privacy. children should not be sleeping with their parents regularly much less a grown man that has no biological relationship. men have erections in their sleep and ejaculations. i would not really want my son sleeping with a "family friend" knowing all these things. i wouldnt even want my son sleeping with a family friend who didnt have any of these problems. think about it. if your neighbor called up, and asked if your son could come over to spend the night...and that your son would be sleeping with him....wouldnt you question that??? like...uh....whats going on here.? but because michael jackson is who he is...he is held to a different standard. i think thats wrong."

    Lynn, I agree, even it there nothing physical ever occured, and he is inocent of thie molestion charges, to have these sleep overs with an adult is wrong. and the parents are just as wrong as he is. I think all of the parents should be held accountable too, like child endagerment or something, the one who said he slept over like 200 times, where are the parents in all of this? the whole thing is just sick to me. I listened to his lawyer thig morning saying his only guilt is he is still a child in the way he acts and beliefs, and because of this he is niave. then good grief, how can he raise his own children. Either way, He needs serious counseling because is is really messed up.

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