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Bells on the coller?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Feb 27, 2005.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    How many of you have cats that have bells on the coller? Izzy has one, which I wanted to keep on, cause then I would know where she is. However Izzy and the 3 dogs all sleep with me at night and when Izzy moves around, the dogs hear the bell and start moving around and getting excited, especially Sydney. So I'm thinking I will take it off.

    By the way she is feeling so much better. She eats like a pig, and isnt sleeping all the time anymore. She does seem to really like looking outside and tried bolting out the front door, but luckily i was able to grab her. I dont think I ever reacted so quick. Anyways I'm getting two roomates soon so I got to make sure they are careful about the doors and i got to be careful too.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    the only time I used a belled collar was when Tilly used to beat the snot out of Zeus :roll: I mean she used to beat him soundly. So badly once time he peed himself, another time she bit him and he got an abcess. So Tilly wore a bell so Zeus would know where she was.

    After our first Siamese Rescue foster...a nice 2 year old sealpoint fella who'd been saved from the streets of Boston. Tony went through hell but he was the sweetest nicest cat and I wanted him so bad (can't adopt the first foster). Anyway Tony somehow managed to bring some order to my cat family. I don't know what he did or how he did it but peace began when Tony came into this house. I think he taught Zeus that he didn't need to be afraid anymore. Zeus beat the snot out of Tilly tearing a split in her ear flap. She doesn't beat up Zeus any more - they play now...and Tilly doesn't have to sound low a cow wearing a bell
  3. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Vianne has a bell on one of her collars, but she had an ID tag and an ID tube that jingle against each other anyway, so the bell isn't necessary. I like to be able to hear where she is tho as a safetly thing for her. We have a 90lb german shepard and they are not allowed to play together unsupervised. So me being able to hear her makes me feel better about her safety in case she happened to slip out where the dog was and i didn't know it, then i'd hear her. Other than that reason to make it easier for me to find her quickly, she doesn't need it really. I have rats too, but their cage bar spacing it too tiny for her to get a paw in, plus i'd be more worried about my cat getting attacked by one of my older female rats if they ever got out, lol. But we did have a little oopsie situation one time where my mouse got out and was out all night and i didn't even know it til the next day and she was fine, not a scratch on her even stuck in the room loose with the cat all night. Poor little Scout, lol. But maybe the bell helped my mouse know where the cat was too! :shock:
  4. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    none of my kitties wear collars
  5. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. :D I personally always remove the bells from the collars. If I had a bell around my neck the noise would drive me nuts and I feel that it must be just as annoying to animals. It's not natural for a cat to have to hear "ding ding ding" 24/7.
  6. luna

    luna New Member

    how do you actually get them to keep their collars on. buster went through 3 before i gave up, and i still haven't found shadows first one, i think she somehow put it in the garbage.
  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOL. My previous cat, Handsome used to remove his collars as well. I would purchase about one collar per week. :shock: I know there is a collar graveyard somewhere on my property that I have yet to find. Although he had a microchip placed behind his neck, I wanted him to wear a collar, so that it was known that he was someone's cat.

    As for keeping the collars on them, that's not easy. Once a cat makes up their mind that they will do whatever it takes to remove it, then it's too late. It's quite easy for a determined cat to remove their "break away" collars (collars that unsnap under stress). Those are the only collars I would use, even though Handsome had an easy time removing them. So, you can either get your cat microchipped and do away with the collar or just do what I did and purchase many collars. :wink:
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    My kitties would never keep collars on either so I also gave up. I never tried ones with bells. I thought it would drive me and them crazy. :lol:
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Tried the bells on Vene's collar whenever she went outdoors since she was a vicious huntress. Like Luna and Sunset, we could never keep the collars on. We must have gone through at least 5 collars. We thought it was cruel to place a bell on her indoors so we never did. We don't have to worry about her now since she got hit by a car July '03 and is now in kitty heaven.
  10. luna

    luna New Member

    i got the buckle collars for my kitties. how's ginger?
  11. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Dales collar now has the break away buckle, I couldn't find the one with the rubber band on it like I had before. I really don't like her to wear one at all, but I worry she will escape outside and people would think she is ferral(but she is microchipped). Her bell doesn't ring that often, I think she figured out how to walk without jingling it. Her old collar had a bell too.

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