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pepes unexplained allergy...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by kyles101, Apr 13, 2004.

  1. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    well pepes eyes are still getting thick crust on them even with the eye drops. at the cat show we were talking about litter and someone suggested wheat litter. so i looked up the company on the net and it said dusty clumping litter can cause allergies and respiratory problems. ive decided to switch to the wheat litter to see if its the clay dust thats affecting pepe. he kicks the litter around alot so hes breathing in alot of the stuff. anyone had a cat [or yourself for that matter] that has had problems related to litter? and does anyone use the wheat litter?

    p.s ive had to use a big crate as a litter tray today as pepe is way too big for the old tray! he kicked poop out everywhere. i ordered a bigger litter tray but it hasnt arrived and i have a feeling it never will. they wont answer my emails asking where it is!
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Kyles. I'm sorry Pepe has allergies. This can be a simple thing to treat, but it's just so hard to try and narrow down what his allergies are from. It could be from hundreds of different things. So, I went and tried to find a link that had some pretty good information and perhaps it will help Pepe. As for the litter, I have never liked those dusty litters. They do get in the cats nose/lungs/eyes and so on. Not good for them at all. I have not heard of the wheat litter, but I'm sure it's better than the dusty one. Good luck finding out the cause of his allergies. Maybe that's why he's such a grump at times?

  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    thanks for that! it mentioned dust in there and the vet said it could actually be that seeing as hes always got his nose in places that the vacuum cant reach. it also mentiond the litter too.
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Hi. I was reading some cat food brand site ( I don't remember which) and it said that cats can be allergic to wheat. Could Pepe be allergic to the new litter?
  5. moose

    moose New Member

    we use regular, non-clumping clay litter at the shelter (i.e. very dusty!) and we've seen quite a few cats that don't tolerate the dust very well. cats that are prone to respiratory problems to begin with (flat-faced cats, or cats with chronic respiratory problems) are especially affected by the dust. i wouldn't be surprised if it is the dust in your litter that is bothering pepe.

    in addition to the wheat litters, i would suggest a brand called "world's best cat litter." if i remember correctly, it's made of ground up corn. i used it a while back, and i *loved* it. no dust and great clumping properties! however, one of my cats was not fond of it, so i stopped using it. it is a lot more expensive than most litters, so perhaps there is a cheaper solution. :)
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    vene i havent used the new litter yet. because im in australia i cant get a hold of the litter you mention moose, but there is a company called wonderwheat here who makes the wheat litter. we have a number for the rep but she hasnt answered her phone as yet. thanks for all your help!
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Kylie, How's Pepe doing?
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i bought the litter yesterday and so far no change. its too soon to tell. but i like the litter. he pooped in there this morning and i cant smell a thing! with the old litter the smell was awful.

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