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i need help on my birds

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by bigben209, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. bigben209

    bigben209 New Member

    how do i know weather my parakeet is a female or a male i really need help plz okey thanx
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Males will have either a purple/blue cere while female have a brown, beige, tan or white ceres.

    If your budgie is still young it will probably resemble a female as most young budgies have a pinky white or beige cere.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    How old is your bird and what colour is it.

    young males have a purple/white cere until there first molt at around 6months old they will then get a blue or purple/blue cere (fleshy part above the beak )

    Females are the same young females will have a purple cere until there first molt at 6months old which will then stay either pink/purple or white.

    If females are 6months old and in breeding mode her cere will turn tan coloured and then to a very dark crysty brown.

    Young birds again depedning on the colour will have black barring on there head ..

    Here is a link to help show the difference in cere colours.

    http://www.birdshelpline.bravehost.com/ ... dgies.html

  4. bigben209

    bigben209 New Member


    ill take a pik of theme n den try to post em up n den u guyz can c them there only about 4 months
  5. bigben209

    bigben209 New Member


    o by da way dey kiss alot 2 so i am not sure if dey are coUples
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    The kissing look is actually them feeding each other but male male and female female birds will do the same so this is not an indication they are male and female and this method if sexing birds should never be done..

    At 4months old they will both look like females as they have not started going through there 1st molt yet.


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