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GRRR stupid live plants...

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by asiankatie, Mar 7, 2005.

  1. asiankatie

    asiankatie New Member

    I just got a 5g hex tank. It’s pretty sweet looking I must say... I’m gonna go get a water test kit tomorrow.. Any suggestions on what kind? It came with this biosafe stuff that I put in it.. And then I put some bio coat in there so that can move around.. I put these plants in there anbacharis I think they’re called? And for whatever reason they don’t like staying in the gravel they keep popping out.. I’ve got them in there now but how long does it take them to root? There’s the leaf shit all over the tank I did my best to sift some of it out with a net but some of its all stuck in the gravel :x !! And I don’t wanna do the vacuum thing cuz I think it will uproot my plants at this point. But at the same time I don’t want them to like rot and pollute my water :| what do I do?
  2. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    Is the plant in a pot? Or is it jsut bare roots? You should jsut be able to put it in the gravel deep enough and cover it so it doesnt pop up. If you are unable to keep it from coming up you may not have enough gravel. You should probably have about 10 lbs in a 5 gallon tank. Remember plant roots msut be buried well or else they will not take root. If for some reoson you dont have enough gravel and are unable to purchse or add more then maybe you could jsut try to put a rock over top of the roots so they dont pop up. Good Luck. -tl
  3. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    I agree with tski & if nothing else works you can also buy these weight things that you tie to the plant & they act like a sinker keeping the plant down.
    Hope that helps! :D
  4. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    Its hard keeping the plant alive and in the gravel if it is a live plant at times. The best you can do is go buy extra gravel that you can put around the plant to keep it well burried. The levels of gravel that should be kept at the bottom of a fishtank and the levels to keep the plant alive and burried is quite a difference. So either you could get extra gravel or even possible i have had best luck by buying pots that you use in a garden and putting the plant in there. That way the plant gets the nice depths it needs.
  5. asiankatie

    asiankatie New Member

    hmm well they seem to be staying in okay now. i pushed a little more gravel around them.. i read that ur not suppsoed to have more than 1/4 in of gravel?
  6. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Nope, not true. Generally, for non-planted tanks, I recommend 1" - 1 1/2" of gravel or sand. For planted tanks, closer to 2" is better.

  7. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    Depending on size of plant and type of plant. Some plants will require up to 4 inches where as some require as little as 1.
  8. Petz8888

    Petz8888 New Member

    My grandma has a live plant in a ten galoon tank. We only used one small bag of sand. The plants fine. I dont think your barreing them well enof.

    Hope it helps !

    TA TA!

  9. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    What type of plant do you have? It could possible be a floating plant. Maybe it is one that needs 1 1/2 inch of gravel. Could you please possibly find out or take a picture?

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