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A few questions from a prospective buyer

Discussion in 'Horses - all breeds / types' started by ladydreamer, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. ladydreamer

    ladydreamer New Member

    Hi. I am looking into buying a horse just for family, not show, breeding, etc. I have found a 17 yr old arabian(read a lot of bad stuff on them) and was wondering if anyone on this forum would recommend him since he is an older horse. I am not experienced but have several people willing to help me. ALso, I need to know exactly what do I need for one to get me started, supply wise. Just trying to get different opinions and suggestions. Thanks
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Arabs are not an ideal first horse especially if you do not have the knowledge of horse. Young arabs can be very head strong and they are strong so imagen a adult one.

    Providing he is well schooled and is good in all aspects like catch, shoe, box and clip, he is ok out in traffic and is not spooked by sudden noises then he maybe ok.

    Sam who is on the forums has alot of knowledge on horses and she will be best for advice i am sure she would not mind you sending her a PM saying that she may see your post and come and answer all your questions for you.

    Sorry i could not be of more help.

  3. someday

    someday New Member

    although I wouldn't always recommend arabs for a first time buyer, a 17 year old ones I would be more likely too, by this time, it's probably settled quite a bit provided it's been trained and regularly ridden. Arabs do seem to live longer than other breeds in my experience, so I certainly wouldn't let the age scare you away provided it passes a vet check. Get the people that are willing to help you check him over well and ride before you buy. Things you'll need:..oh boy..a lot
    first, a place for him to stay..I would recommend boarding him, at least at first, just so you can have people handy when you have questions starting out.
    you'll need:
    -feed and water buckets
    -feed(ask the owner what they feed, it's really hard on a horse to change feeds suddenly and could cause them to colic)
    -saddle and bridle
    -find a farrier to do his shoes, or if not shoeing, trim him regularly

    I'm going to have to continue this later, I've got to run to the barn..but that's a list to get you started.
  4. ladydreamer

    ladydreamer New Member

    Thank you for replies

    THanks guys for the replies. Everyone on this forum seem really nice! WIsh me luck and I will gladly accept all advice and other replies. Thanks!.
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Have your experienced friends (all of them) check out and ride the horse before you do. BEFORE you buy though I would check into lessons...see if you can do that for awhile and then have your trainer help you find a horse. Your trainer will KNOW what level you are at in your riding and owning a horse is and he/she will also know what kind of temperment you would be best suited with. ALSO you can learn about horses and whatnot under supervision more readily etc... I ALWAYS recommend first time horse buyers to take lessons first before actually purchasing... JUST to make sure you are equipped with the knowledge you will need to care for your own horse... Lessons from your friends will help but a certified trainer and school type setting would be best IMO...

    Arabs are tricky no matter the age depending on breeding and training...I would not buy without all possible people checking the horse out first under MANY circumstances.
  6. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I agree with everyone else. you first need to learn how to ride and then get a horse, not the reverse. so many you do need to be careful with arabs, they're just a different kind of hrose, i would suggest maybe a QH if still open to options. If you are set on this arab then have every possible person ride it, look at it, everything. YOU go out and catch the horse. YOU brush it. YOU saddle it. YOU bridle it. YOU get on it first. that way you can make sure that the person selling you this horse didn't spend an hour trying ot catch it before you came. ask the person why they're selling the horse, sometimes you can catch them if you ask them why straight in the face and you can find out about a possible bug. THEN after all this get a vet to check it and make sure everything is ok. good luck!
  7. ladydreamer

    ladydreamer New Member

    Change of mind here

    I've decided not to buy the arabian for several reasons, top one, all the warnings. Plus it was kinda funny that the price was willing to be dropped from 800 to under 400. That seemed too easy. Still looking though, I figured the right one is out there for me somewhere. Going to actually research the adoption posibility also. Thanks everyone.
  8. ladydreamer

    ladydreamer New Member

    questions about quarter horses

    Hi, I have now found an 18 yr old Quarter horse. What is everyone's opinion on these horses. I have learned so far that they have a great temperment etc. I am going to meet the horse tomorrow. I would appreciate any info anyone out there has on this specific type of horse.
  9. kate

    kate New Member

    all ive ever owned are quarterhorses, so my biased opinion is that they are the way to go. The biggest thing to check for (imo) is do they have any Mr. Impressive bloodlines (Impressive being a stallion) if they do make sure that they are HYPP N/N (Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis Disease)

    this site has alot of info about it http://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/~lvmillon/hy ... facts.html

    This is the only problem in Quarterhorses that I have come acorss so far, but it is a major problem. I've seen it first hand.
  10. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I've seen a lot of navicular disease (a foot problem) in Quarter Horses, particularly those with racing bloodlines. Be sure to have a vet check the horse over before you buy.

    Other than that, QH for the most part are pretty good horses for beginners, providing their training has been done well. Horses from racing or gaming backgrounds can be too hot for a beginner.

    You also might concider a grade horse...not a purebred. Many of them are wonderfull riding horses. Cross breds can be good, too. I had a QH/Hafflinger that was superb. Totally unflappable. My kids stood on his back to pick pears from the orchard, flew kites from his back, crawled all over him like little apes, and he never batted an eye. He was a little on the small size, but I was still able to ride him on trail rides with no problems.
  11. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Above all on the QH check the feet size... Seems lots of halter horses are bred with small feet that can also lead to navicular... With this horse's age I doubt you'll see a big problem with it...but the few QH that I've seen first hand...

    BUT they have a great forgiving temperment for beginners for the most part...each horse is different... Ask about lameness and if the horse has ever experienced that or Founder as well.. QH are easy keepers so...this might also lead to problems down the road... Take your horsey friends with you and keep us updated!

    Pics are expected when and if you pick one...
  12. ladydreamer

    ladydreamer New Member

    my potential quarterhorse update

    Met the QH today. Had him checked out. Spent a few hours with him. Even rode him, havent been on a horse in 20 years. He is a loverboy. Praying he will be part of the family in a few weeks. I have pics as soon as I figure out how to get them on here. Thanks everybody.
  13. Sara

    Sara New Member


    Upload the pics to a hosting site...or your own if you have one... Hosting site such as "shutterfly" etc... NOT yahoo they won't let you post pics... Anyway... You upload the pics (the site explains it...) Once that is done...go to the pic...bring it up...right click on it and pick the "properties" selection... THEN copy the HTML addy that pops up... Come here... Start a post...when you want to put the Pic in... Click on IMG and paste the HTML addy in that blank and so on... Preview your post before actually posting and your on your way...

    Can't wait to see...sounds like a match too!!!
  14. ladydreamer

    ladydreamer New Member

    here is my email

    Hey guys.....Anyone interested in seeing the pic for now can email me at ladydreamer@alltel.net and I will send it to them. Wont be able to do the other way for a few days cause of lack of time with work, k? I cant wait.
  15. ladydreamer

    ladydreamer New Member

    question about florida sand

    Has anyone heard about using metamucil in thier horse's feed daily to prevent them from getting sick from the sand they consume when they eat the grass here in Florida. Looking into this problem/solutions just wanted some input. THanks ( everyone I talk to says it is a great method of prevention)
  16. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    Not to go backwards on this thread, but my first horse was an Arabian, and I still have him. (I finally got my first horse at the age of 35). He's 18 now, and the best horse you could imagine. He was four when I got him. Sure, there are lots of Arabs who are high strung and unpredictible, and my Arab IS spooky, but he has never done anything dangerous. I was a green rider when I got him, and he has never bucked me off. He did run away with me a few times (this was a couple years after I got him) but we ironed that out. I've known quite a few other Arabs that were also very sweet, obedient horses also. Very level headed. On the other hand, I know Quarter Horses are known for being laid back and gentle, but I've known several of them that acted worse than an Arab on its worst day! Just wanted to put in a good word for Arabs. If you find a good one, they are worth their weight in gold, not to mention a beautiful, majestic breed!

  17. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Odd Been dealing with sand in the gut on my own horse and I got a lot of tips from another board... there's a Floridian on that board that DOES use Metamucile with feed monthly I beleive... Or weekly... Bran mash too is used as well as what your vet would give...

    Equestrian Alley... Go to horse health and then the thread under "sand"... I know you have to be a member to post and with those folks the more the better... Fun board... Hope this post isn't out of line...just wanted to help and I love Auspet so...I know I'M not leaving for a different board... I belong to quite a few!
  18. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I've never heard of using metamucile. Congrats on finding him, I hope everything checks out ok and he really is what you want. another tip, you do get what you pay for.

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