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I might have a mouse problem

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    which is fine with Zeus since this past week the mouse problem has given him the opportunity to become a serial killer :shock:
    He even dragged one out from under the baseboard in our entry room!!!!

    Found that one dead in the basement, then the other night I found another in the basement that had been gutted (I coulda posted pix :roll: )

    He's on this insane spree. I can't bring myself to use traps - I hate them. I've used the trap/release ones before but unfortunately I'd forgotten all about them untill "that" smell hit my nose and I remembered the poor little mouse - so I don't like to use them either.

    Actually death by Zeus is probably quicker than me forgetting the rodents in the trap/release contraptions.

    He's good - if I would let him turn into an outside kitty we probably wouldn't have any mice cause he'd get them before they got to the house. But then we wouldn't have any birds, squirrels, chipmunks either...or Zeus most likely since we had coyotes in the yard the other day too!!!!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :) Thanks for not posting the pics....
    I used to have mice in the garage but they wouldnt come into the house, or if they did they were fair game for the 3 cats, when I adopted my Rott she didnt like the cats so the cats went to another part of the house away from the Rott and away from the garage door :( the mice then came into the kitchen and where everywhere, the Rott and one of the other dogs would sit there and watch them for hours....until Gypsy entered....the chi/fox terrier mix decided it was now her duty to catch every mouse possible. Not good !!! The cats would catch the mice and take them off somewhere and I would never find them, the chi insisted on showing me her "trophy" by jumping up onto the couch, then onto me with her 'fresh kill' between her teeth. Not a pretty sight !!!!!
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    :0023: :0017: :m39: both of you. You are bringing back lots of memeories of the times Venus de Milo brought home bunnies and mice and how they gut them. :shock: :0024: :m13:
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOl Mary. You are so funny. :m39:
  5. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I know this may sounds kinda crazy, but if you wanna get rid of mice a quick, easy and humane way, then try to find somebody who has a couple of male pet Rats and let them come over to play at your house for a few days where the mice are a problem. (cats put away, of course) If the rats are VERY well trained and can be let loose in a room for a little while to scent mark, then even better. Rats are natural enemies of mice and generally where you find one, you won't find the other.

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