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Sassy is one sick Chi

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by CattleDogLover, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. CattleDogLover

    CattleDogLover New Member

    Well yesterday we took Sassy to the vet to have her checked out and see if her aggression had anything to do with her health. Well my vet was looking her over and said she had extremly high blood pressure and her eyes did'nt look quite right. So they took her in for an xray and see if they saw anything different. Well they sure did they found a number of masses on the back of her brain :shock: :cry: . The ran some tests and Sassy is still at the vets office they have yet to call us back with results as to what it is on her brain. So please pray for my little girl we're not sure whats going on yet but we hope its not life threatening.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Really sorry to hear that. Hope everything goes okay.
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Ohhhh, I'm so sorry. That poor little gal. I hop its something that can be dealt with. If not, no one will be against you for doing whats necessary. God bless.
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm sorry to hear this...hopefully its nothing life threatening. I will keep Sassy in my thoughts. Be sure to keep us posted.
  5. MollysMom

    MollysMom New Member

    Oh my, how scary!!!
    So glad you followed your instincts tho and took her in...
  6. ChewysMom

    ChewysMom New Member

    i am soooo sorry to hear about your little girl i hope she is ok. keep us posted and your in our thoughts.
  7. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I hope she'll be ok. I saw her pic in another post,she's one cute chi!
  8. CattleDogLover

    CattleDogLover New Member

    ok we got the info back and learned that there are seven mini strokes and thats what the masses are. She gets to come home tomarow on 5 different kinds od meds and then will have to go back in two weeks for anouther test. So she should be ok im still alittle shaken but im happy it wasent anything too seriouse.
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Well that is better news. Are the meds to help shrink them or something like that. Maybe anti-inflamitories to keep swelling down. Poor little chi.
  10. CattleDogLover

    CattleDogLover New Member

    She is on the anti-inflamitories your right and some pain meds my vet said she had to have been having major head aches. She's also on some stuff for her blood pressure poor thing.
  11. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Praying for you and your lil chi baby.

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