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new pekepoo puppys weight

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by 2pekes, Mar 7, 2005.

  1. 2pekes

    2pekes New Member

    I am new here, Just wanted to ask a question about my pekepoo.
    My 16 week old puppy is 7 pounds, I am wandering how big she will
    get? at 10 weeks she was 4 pounds. She has certainly had a growth
    spurt. I have heard that small dogs stop growing in height around 8 months.
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Hello, They may stop growing height wise but take longer to fill out, and gain muscle. I think your dog will be possbily in the 15 lb range. With mixes they usally tend to be bigger than their parents. Thats what I've been told.
  3. 2pekes

    2pekes New Member

    Thank you . I am 35 and this is my first puppy I have ever had. I got
    my pekingese about 11 years ago but he was 2 years old when I got him.
    Nelly is the new baby and Hershey is a pekingese . I don't think she will
    be as big as he is. He is fullblooded. Nelly's dad was a toy poodle. Her mom was a pekepom mix. I did visit with her other brothers the other day and they are alot bigger than she is. The owner asked me why she was so tiny and I told her I was taking her to the vet and she is being wormed and had all vacinations up to date. The vets told me she would be any were between 10 to 20 pounds.. that really tells me alot! lol.....
    Me and my husband were thinking of breeding them together Hershey and Nelly... Is he to old? I would really love to have a baby from him, we have had him so long. Any advise?
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    My grandma was named Nelly. LOL Now I am not certain about males but females should not be bred before 2 years of age. Tests should be done to assure her perfect health. If not 100 % sure of her perfect health I would not breed her. Even if she has crooked teeth things like that. you want to produce perfect puppies. As well as the male he should be tested too. There is alot to think about when breeding. As I said I am not certain about when one should not breed a male. I don't know the cut off date. How is your male, does he have any arthritis. If not thats really good. Most dogs start getting it somewheres around 8 or 9.
    Oh one more thing, If your male is alot bigger than Nelly, it can be very dangerous for him to mate to her also. They should be like sized. If hershey is alot bigger and Nelly were to get pregnant by him she could have very large puppys and not be able to give birth to them. An emergancy c-section would need to be done in order to save the pups. Possibly the mother too. So do alot of reading before you jump in, you have a couple of year to think about it and see if her size measures up to hersheys.
  5. 2pekes

    2pekes New Member

    Thank you so much for your reply and I agree totally. I want what is best for both of them. I was just thinking it would be nice to have a little Hershey running around..lol He is getting older and we have had him so long I don't even want to think about the day he leaves us..You have
    beautiful babies by the way!
    Hershey is been great! No arthiritus at all. He has been pampered. He
    is starting to gray.... He gets alot of exercise but doesn't move around as much as he used to as when he was younger. So he has put on a little weight. I am working now to get some of it off. Changing his diet. etc/
    I wasn't sure weather or not to get Nelly, thinking about how Hershey would like it or not. He is slowly warming up to her. Funny how some dogs are about their people. He is jealous and I make sure I pay them the same amout of attention...If the time comes and she is ok and he is I am not even sure he would at this point! lol....What would we do without our pet?
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    LOL, some dogs have to really like the female to mate her. My breeder has a male that is very particular about whom he mates to. If he doesn't want to, than he does not want to. A female can put it right in his face and he will turn his head to ignore her. LOL. You have been luck not to have a dog with arthritis. My poodle in my avatar has it bad. Here is my other newest poodles dogster site, http://www.dogster.com/pet_page.php?i=75322&j=t
    Do you have any pictures
  7. 2pekes

    2pekes New Member

    Lilly is beautiful! I will haft to take some and get them up. I will work on that this evening. If I can get those 2 together! lol .... Thanks for showing them to me. I love this place!
    You have been so helpful! Do your pets get along? I also have a cat and a rabbit! It is so funny to watch that cat and Nelly playing. Them 2 go at it.. I will get some pictures....
    Thank you again!
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    My older poodle is more so seditary now, She doesn't like to be bothered. Once in awhile she will get up to chase Lilly to get her down to show her she is still boss. She does not hurt her though. To Sasha its fun chasing lilly. Its the only time she plays somewhat. Lilly and Rufus play ALOT. Its really funny. Lilly was born with cats around, so she plays somewhat like one. Swatting. get those pictures up.Do you have a digital camera. They are alot of fun. And if you are a dog forum person a digi cam is a must :y_the_best:
  9. 2pekes

    2pekes New Member

    :eek: I got some pics of Nelly up. I hope you enjoy them. Hershey and Nelly got into it bad today. I am at a loss here on how to get them to get along.
    It scared me to death! Hershey just cannot stand to be around her.
    Her is nellys page. www.dogster.com/?125857 .... I hope they can get
    to be friends soon...
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    She is adorable. She has the peke like coat and the poodle muzzle. Very cute.
    I would crate her while youa re not home, or at least separate them, with a door between both dogs. Hershey may get mad at her for trying to play with him when he does not want to. When he went after her, did he sort of mouth her neck. If so, that was just a warning and that he wanted her to know he's head honcho. I don't leave my oldest poo with the younger when I go out. I crate Lilly. She can get to be a little nervy. Plus pups can get into trouble, like chewing cords and such. It takes a good few months for the first dog to except whats going on. Just take it slow.
  11. 2pekes

    2pekes New Member

    It all happened so fast I just pulled her away ,but he was definetly letting her know who was boss.. It was my fault. I have been absent minded today. We had just came in and we come in the back door were the room is were hershey stays and I accidentally shut the door thinking nelly came on in with us and that is when it happened. I have not been a good doggie mom today. We had a storm this morning and I came running in the house and forgot to do the head count and looked out the window and there was my baby standing there in the rain! lol I think she forgave me. I hope. I usually keep them seperated unless I am around. She does stay in her crate at night and when I am away. I make sure of that when I leave that she is safe in there but about 95% of the time she goes with me. She loves riding in the car. I do have a question. On dogster if you add another dog will it automatically go on Nelly's page like if I add hershey? How do you do that?
  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Go to your dogster page and click on My account. There is a number 1-7 click on number 6 where it says, Do you have another dog to add. Then you can make Hersheys page too. Very easy.

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