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this MUST be stopped

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :( Thats not right. I understand a farmers right to kill another animal that threatens his livestock-poultry etc but not this, apart from the fact that I havent seen any reports saying cats are destroying the eco-system how do the 'hunters' know if the cat has a home, a lot of cats dont have collars on, that doenst mean they dont have a home, they may be chipped or tagged some other way, one of my cats used to have an ID stud in his ear as he hated wearing collars and almost choked himself on them a few times and it was before the microchips were available. What'll happen is everyone who doesnt like cats or has even a BB gun will use them for target practice with no consequences.
    Instead of urging people to kill them why not do what a lot of cities do now, they set up traps, catch the strays, neuter them and test them for FeLV, FIV, if they are friendly they can sometimes go up for adoption, if there ferrel they are released back to where they were caught once they have recuperated from surgery.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    they should be using their resources to education along with spay/neuter/release rather than take aim and shoot
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    That's just sick! :m3:
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    If that gets approved I will be mortified. :x
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    as mean as i may come across :cry: i have no problems with people destroying feral cats as long as they ARE feral and they dont torture them. but, thats only in areas like rural australia where there is zero chance of killing an owned cat. on a huge farm or house in the middle of nowhere near no one else, a cat thats not yours would be feral. im guessing since the point was brought up in the article that an owned cat may be killed, that the area is inappropriate for feral cat hunting. so in this case, that idea is stupid.
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    having an open hunting season on feral cats is NOT the answer to controlling their population.

    What if someone shoots one, doesn't kill it instantly and it runs off. Imagine the pain and suffering that animal will endure before it finally does die. No one is going to bother finding a severely injured feral cat. They will just let it take off to die.

    Humanely yes...as many of these feral cats are probably diseased and a humane ending would not be a bad thing. But give a local yokel a chance to start taking shots at cats and they won't care if they kill it - many people it'll be a sick entertainment for them. Have a few beers, get the gun and start shooting.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Sounds like the guy wants legalized target practice. Some people are just demented.
  9. bionca

    bionca New Member

    What kind of sick people would come out with such proposal? :0010:
  10. Brit

    Brit New Member

    i could never think of killing a cat becuase htey don't know right from wrong..it is in their instincs to hunt...if people don't want feral cats running around then they catch the cats and take them to their local spca..and have them fixed....i know down by my boyfriends house people drop cats off all the time..and his family can't stand them peeing and using their bushes for their litter box....how ever its not the cats fault..if anyone shot my cat..i would def be upset...i love all of my cats and i have 5 adults and 3 new babies..and i would be devastated if any of them were killed
  11. I_Miss_Baz

    I_Miss_Baz New Member

    This is WRONG...just WRONG!
  12. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    mary please dont take my post the wrong way. as i said in now way am i advocating 'tortue' of feral cats. torture includes a death that isnt instant.

    thats why i said the area in question seems to be inappropriate for feral cat hunting. it seems that the area has a considerable amount of pet cats around therefore it would be a field day for a serial animal abuser. like i said in very remote places there are no pet cats to around to kill so i dont think someone would spend a whole day trying to find a feral cat to kill for fun. people in rural australia will only kill a feral cat if it comes onto their property and causes trouble. i dont know of anyone who sits there with their gun waiting for hoardes of cats. and somehow i dont think the rspca are going to send overworked inspectors out on 2 hour+ trips to set up cat traps and euthanise them either.
  13. misty

    misty New Member

    There are a lot of sick people in this world. It's a fact I have the hardest time accepting. When I was 12 my labrador got out of the yard and went for a walk around the neighborhood. When he came back he had a .45 bullet in his hip. Now, keep in mind, I lived in a very residential area of Tucson, Arizona. Not rural in any respect. People just don't have any respect for animals, it's sad :(
  14. luna

    luna New Member

    i agree. that guy just doesn't like cats so he wants a way to shoot as many as he can with out geting in trouble. if they change the abuse laws things will be worse then ever for animals. cats have caught and ate birds for centurys... its just in their nature.... if he doesn't want cats eating the wild birds in his yard he needs to take the cats he finds to the spca.
  15. Tasha

    Tasha New Member

    That guy is just wrong...

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