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Dogs going Shopping with you

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by 2pekes, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. 2pekes

    2pekes New Member

    I was wondering if anyone else here took their dogs shopping with them?
    I know wal-mart does not allow dogs in their store. I have took my dog in the grocery store when I first got her. I hid her in my pocket book, She was tiny and it was a big bag with her little head sticking out the top.
    I feel sometimes me and my dog are attached at the hip! I fear I will be the one with seperation anxiety when the day comes I have to leave her for a couple of days. :cry:
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I used to take my Rott and occasionally chi/fox terrier shopping around Beverly Hills and Palm Springs, some of the stores there will allow dogs in and I used Petco and Petsmart for socialization training as well as just 'something different' for my own dogs instead of the usual 'going for a walk' routine. I am in Germany right now and most of the stores are fine with dogs being in there, I went clothes shopping the other day and there were about 4 dogs in the store, people take them into bars and coffee shops here all the time, its great.
  3. 2pekes

    2pekes New Member

    That sounds so cool! There are only like a few stores I can take my dog into here in North Carolina. You take a dog into a clothing store around here and people look at you like you have lost your mind. lol
    I take nelly every were with me. There should be more pet friendly stores I think. :D
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I think it makes a difference to the dogs attitude in general, in California my dogs would always get a little over-excited or sometimes anxious when they first got near a store, all those people, other dogs, automatic doors, shopping carts, kids running around, but here its 'not a big deal', it seems that because it is okay to take them into stores a lot more people take them on a daily basis so they get used to all the 'distractions' and are in general a lot calmer because of it.

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