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Shih poo pooping problems

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by requi3mm4ss, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. requi3mm4ss

    requi3mm4ss New Member

    Hello there, this is my first post as I have just recently aquired a 8 week old shih-poo.

    The puppy is eating great, and I have had him home now for close to a week. Everything seems to be going fine, and I feel he is adjusting well.

    Here is the deal. He hasnt had any accidents in the house. I take him out atleast every hour and a half to 2 hours.

    The problem is twice now he has went poop outside first, then like 5 mins later he trys to go poop again outside but just holds his pose for like 15 mins trying to poop.

    Upon further examination I see his poop hanging out of his butt. I dont know what to do I have tried letting him hold that pose for over 30 mins and nothing changes. Its like hes super constipated.

    I have put a chicken broth cube in his water to make it more appealing, and it seems to have worked he is drinking more, and is peeing more, but he is still having these blockages.

    I am feeding him Nutro Natural Ultra canned food, and it says puppy on it. Should I switch foods?
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If you havent already done this I would take him to your vet, have a general exam and get a fecal test done to check for worms and coccidia.
    Be careful about trying out different foods too fast it can cause diarrhea, is this the food that he was on before you got him?
    When they act like they are trying to poop but cant its not always constipation, after a bout of diarrhea they will feel as though they still want to poop even though there may not be anything in there, if he is constipated the vet will be able to help him out a little.
  3. requi3mm4ss

    requi3mm4ss New Member

    Yes the Nutro Natural Ultra was the food he was on before I got him. We have a vet appointment scheduled later today.

    The thing is, he hasnt had any diarreha at all... I cant possibly imagine what could be wrong...

    Also another question.

    Has anyone built or found plans on building a puppy outhouse... It gets rather cold here in the winters, and I would like to have some kind of shelter system that is heated where he can do his business outside all the time.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I dont know of any but I know a coule of people who might know, if I come up with anything Ill post it.
    I dont know what kind of outside area you have, is it possible to put up a small shed just outside your back door and have the pup use that, it wont be warm but at least it'll be covered from any rain, wind etc.
  5. requi3mm4ss

    requi3mm4ss New Member

    Great news...

    I went to the vet, and he found no blockage!!! Hooray!!!

    However we gave him a stool sample, and he found Round Worm Eggs...

    Which means there are adult round worms in the puppies intestines.

    So the vet gave us some Prescription Diet food, and a powder to mix in with the food.

    Its a 3 day treatment, and we expect a quick and painless recovery!

    BTW "Teddy" loves that Prescription Diet food. I wonder if there is any place besides the vet's office I can purchase it...
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    With any poodle or poo mix, what one needs to do is the sanitary trim around the bum and genitals or vulva. That way poop can't get stuck to its hair. You won't have to bend down and help the poop off. Also being the chewers they are try to vacumm often. They swallow hair and it has to come out somehow,. Many a times its connected to poop dangling off the rear end. LOL So snip the hair around the anal area.
  7. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Once the worms are cleared up, if he's still having pooping problems, ask your vet about adding a little plain pumpkin or sweet potato to his diet. A tablespoon of either is often beneficial for dogs with constipation or anal gland problems.
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Prescription Diets (Is it Hills?) are only 'supposed' to be sold through a vet although their regular Science Diet is available at a lot of pet stores, some prescription diets are only necessary short term so I would follow up with your vet and see what he/she recommends.
  9. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    Is you puppy's name Teddy? I have a shih-poo also who's name is Teddy.

    Glad to hear that your Teddy is going to be okay.
  10. requi3mm4ss

    requi3mm4ss New Member

    Yepper His name is Teddy. My 10 year old sister thought of it the moment she saw him.
    He looks like a little stuffed teddy bear! If I have enough time ill try to post some pics of him later today :D

    Thanks for all the great info!!

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