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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by MyPetTherapyDog, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
    Good Morning Board:
    This is SOOOO IMPORTANT. This moron councilman is trying to get pitbulls banned without even consulting animal control to get stats on dog bites, incidents in the city, public interest etc... This is one city over from where I live. I also volunteer at the City's Animal Shelter where they currently have 3 wonderful pit bulls needing homes.
    I am attending the meeting this COMING MONDAY 3/14/05.
    Can anyone please give me solid reasons why BSL DOES NOT WORK (backed by stats if possible) (That is what I honestly need) to take to the meeting with me Monday in helps of getting the council people to listen to me.

    http://www.warwickonline.com/news/searc ... sp?ID=7971
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

  3. someday

    someday New Member

    Wow, sounds like this morons already got some opposition from the city, which is great for you!

    This is an excellent report from a Maryland Task Force
    around page 15 is where all the charts with statistics kick in...

    Here's a bunch of other helpful things..but I haven't quite dug through them all..

    and of course pbrc.net has a ton of stuff and a lot of links that i don;t know if you've explored yet.
  4. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    THANK YOU ALL for you help

    Thank you EVERYONE SO MUCH. Please sign the petition link too.
    Here is a link to my dog Cairo who was adopted from the same city that the councilman is now trying his best to ban.
    Cairo is a beautiful and super friendly dog.
    He was in the pound for 6 months.
    Thank you all for your help!!!
    The meeting is Monday night!
  5. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I remember going through this many years ago. The suggestion made by the American Dog Owners Association (You may want to contact them, they'll give you a world of assistance) is to be prepared to offer or suggest an alternate "Dangerous Animal" ordinance.

    Explain that a breed ban does not address the problem of dangerous dogs, only a specific breed, where individual animals may or may not be dangerous. If, for example, someone has a rogue mixed breed of unknown parantage who is terrorizing a community, a breed specific law does nothing to provide legal recourse.

    It's also important to bring up the issue of identifying a 'pit bull'. Few people other than some breeders, can correctly identify a dog as a 'pit bull'. On the other hand, defining a dangerous animal is fairly simple, and can fit any animal, be it a pit bull, a cocker spaniel, a goat or a cat.

    By first defining a dangerous animal, then setting legal guidelines for the control, responsibilities, and consequences of harboring a dangerous animal, you cover all your bases. At the same time, you spare innocent animals and their law abiding owners.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sue...I did a bit more research and came with these....



    This one, so sad about the little boy but it does point out the one of the dogs involved in the killing had not eaten for 3 days and drugs were found in the body on necropsy. It stresses the "blame the owners not the dogs".The owner was a Turkish immigrant with a history of criminal offences It also makes a good point about the percentage of Pit type bites as opposed to German Shepherds and Rottwiellers....Rotts (and I really do love Rotts) keep coming up in the bite statistics top of the list but I dont see many places in US yelling out for them to be banned....nor do I think they should, but these idiots seem to think that by bringing in this law they will solve the problem, fact is the problem stems from bad breeding and bad ownership....criminals that use the dogs for fighting and protecting their drug stashes etc, irresponsible owners that neglect the dogs by leaving them unsocialized in their back yards, BYB's that have their bitches pumping out puppies on an ongoing basis to make a quick buck....a BSL is NOT going to stop this because wherever there is illegal or quick money to be made they will find a way around it.
    Its not the responsible owners who's dogs (whatever the breed) are out on the streets.

    I think you'll like this site
    http://www.furryfriendsfoundation.com/T ... amples.htm
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

  8. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH EVERYONE! YOUR HELP WORKED. The councilman has decided to stop his ban efforts and to hold a "Workshop" instead to include: ACO's, dog trainers. pit bull rescue people, and the councilmen. WE WON FOR NOW. I spoke directly on the phone with Mr. Solomen. It appears that the whole issue began due to an irresponsible punk letting his pit bulls run loose in the park and one of them bit an elderly gentleman injuring him pretty bad. I explained to Mr. Solomen that pit bulls are very friendly in general and we need to inforce our laws already in place. I.e. leash laws etc.. Why should we all be punished just because of a few loser dog owners?
    He agreed and decided not to bring it to the table.
  9. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I was hoping you'd post soon about this.
    :eek: Thats so cool, CONGRATULATIONS Sue, for once the dogs and responsible owners win. I really hope other states and countries 'amend' their laws soon.

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