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Cut that has Abcessed

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sara, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Soooo I'm used to doctoring my own animals to a point because of living out in the country with the large animals etc... ANYWAY... Precious has an abcess that has developed from a cut she got awhile back... she's had it for a good bit of time and it's been draining and I've been cleaning it...but it's just not going away... It's not hot or painfull to her but it is a lump... It's only about half the size of those crazy bounce balls so Not HUGE... Anyway...just curious how you all think I should go about fixing this BEFORE resorting to vet care (sooo expensive for stuff you can do on your own)...

    THOUGHT about lancing it (with autoclaved instruments) and cleaning it every day etc... OR if I should draw some out with a syringe (not sure she'd sit still for that at all) or do a poultice and pack something on there... or a combination???

    Any thoughts let me know...
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Sara, may I contact you privately? I have a suggestion other than "See your vet", but I'd prefer to discuss it privately.
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Sure thing by email even if you want...or on here... Let me know...I'm not on much longer for the day... I'd be glad for it...

    email: bantamsara@yahoo.com
  4. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    Unless you've had loads of experience as a vet tech, most people shouldn't try to treat an abscess at home. They can be tricky. My Boxer got hurt on our chain link fence somehow a few months ago, while another dog was racing up and down on the other side, teasing her. She had a puncture wound that went pretty deep. I kept the hole open and flushed it out with a curved tip syringe filled with Betadine twice a day for a good two weeks. I pressed all the pus out before and after flushing. It never got really bad, however, because I started treating it soon after it happened. If I hadn't, it would have been a real mess in no time. I also gave her 500mg of Amoxicillin twice a day for the entire two weeks. She did have some slight swelling throughout this time, and afterward. Slowly, the swelling came down all the way and disappeared entirely after about a month. I was a vet tech for 12 years, so I knew I was doing exactly what a vet would do, so I felt comfortable treating her at home. Absesses need to be treated aggressively, and the usual reason they don't get better (or get worse) is because it isn't treated aggressively enough. It can be painful for the animal, so you can't be squeamish or do a half-way job. Its an all-or-nothing type thing, and you need a lot of confidence in your abilities.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Sara, I'd highly suggest taking a water hose and doing aqua therapy with it. It helps soften and loosen the tissues and promotes healing.

    First make sure where the wound is that it stays open and clear. If theres a bit of puss make sure you gently but firmly apply pressure, you'll probably want Andy to hold her and muzzle her for it because it will be painful.

    Once you get it all out, I suggest using betadine and swabbing it and cleaning it with gauze or cotton balls. Make sure you clean it really well.

    You can give her some amoxicillin to help ward off and fight infection, on her since she's so big, I'd start off with 450ml...and go from there twice a day.

    You can get some baytril for infection as well, but its a bit on the strong side for a slight infection like that.

    Don't lance it. If the absess gets HUGe, you can get a 12 guage needle and insert it to drain the fluids. But if it gets to that point, you should probably take her in.

    Betadine or 10% iodine should cover it. If its in an area where she can lick it easily, let her do it. the salava in a dogs mouth promotes healing and cleans the area. Most vets will tell you that she'll do whats natural to her. So i'd stick with the betadine to clean it two to three times aday followed by aqua therapy.

    Basically get the watterhose and put a spray nozzle on it. turn it on full force and spray the area in a circular motion all around it. This will do a massaging effect and the cool water will help to reduce swelling. Do it for about 5 minutes each time. It'll help relieve pain, and inflamation.
  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Sam I found a GREAT poultice I plan on using over the weekend when I can watch her... It'll draw the stuff out and in between I will be doing your hosing if it's not FROZEN out here (ick)... Hadn't thought about the spray and circular motion...LOL... Some Massage Therapist I am! Prolly get some Antibiotics for her on Monday or so... She's not fevered and it's really not painfull...I already have been keeping it open, saline on it twice or three times a day... She can and does lick it...she helps keep it open... And we squeeze it but it just isn't draining like I think it ought to to get the infection cleared... Been awhile with this treatment and it's not doing much but STOPING further infection...

    I'll let you know how it goes and if you want email and I'll tell you what EXACTLY I'm putting on her little leg... Should work well I hope.
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    if its what I think it is..it should work..email me later. And let me know how Askari is doing.
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I responded about Askari but I'll mail you again...LOL...

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