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Just got a piranaha

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by jordanmc31, Mar 13, 2005.

  1. jordanmc31

    jordanmc31 New Member

    I just got a piranaha for my birthday and would like to breed some guppies to feed it. I've been reading but really have no idea on any fish type things. We have the piranaha in a 10g tank, we also have an extra 2gallon tank where i'd like to breed guppies. Now at the store we got the fish they sell real small guppies, 6 for $1. My guess is those are young guppies to young at which to breed. How old/big do the guppies need to be? Is a 2 gallon tank enough?

    thanks for any of your responces i'm interested in learning.

  2. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    what kind of piranha
    because i belive these fish can reach up to 1foot and it would need at least 50 gallons
    as for breeding i did that in a 10 gallon and found a was over run with guppys very fast you need sexually mature guppy's 1 male to ever 3 to 5 females
    hope this helps
  3. jordanmc31

    jordanmc31 New Member

    I don't recall the type of piranha. the pet shop lady told me the 10gal would suffice for it.

    Do you think its worth my while to breed feeding fish this piranha?
  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    one....its not worth the effort for breeding the fish.....takes to lngo to get them full size and they arent very nurtitious...

    two....the pet shop lady has no idea what shes tlaknig about...lol.....like fish addcit said, most p's get to be arund 1' long and need around a 50 gallon.....and if its a RBP it will need to be in a school of atleast 3 or 4 to feel comfortabe and exhibit natural behavior and that would require an even larger tnak......what size is the P right now?
  5. jordanmc31

    jordanmc31 New Member

    inch to inch and a half
  6. jordanmc31

    jordanmc31 New Member

    By the way whats an "RBP"
  7. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    RBP is red bellied piranha
  8. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    they grow real slow but a 10g is wayy to small as a few people have already said. I tried the guppy thing and it was to mcuh work. Just feed ti beefheart and shrimp and some sort of fish food.
  9. jason oscarkeeper

    jason oscarkeeper New Member

    i have 3 rbp's in a 90

    and they are happy at the moment but i am under no illusion that i will need to rehouse them at some stage soon. Please dont take this the wrong way but i would always advise you to read up on any species prior to commiting to buy or attempt to keep them, a poorly kept fish for any reason is a loser in so many ways 1. the fish loses by suffering a drastically reduced and unhappy life 2. the owner gets no where near as much enjoyment as is possible from fishkeeping and finally 3. the hobby of fish keeping loses out because a bad experience by an ill prepared owner will undoubtedly put them off what can be the most rewarding,relaxing and educational hobbies i have ever experienced.

    sorry to preach but i am fish crazy and want everyone and every fish to enjoy it as much as i do
  10. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    and to add on to jason's post, the fish can also get diseases and sick alot easier, grow deformed, and have a way shorter life span
  11. gravity

    gravity New Member

    Now you just have to talk whoever bought you the piranha into buying you a 75 gallon tank and 3 more piranhas. :0020:

    Do some research on what piranhas eat in the wild. I'm pretty sure they don't eat other fish all that often. Whatever they eat in the wild, that's what you'll want to feed them most of the time. You can mix up their diet, but their staple food should be as close as possible to what they eat naturally.
  12. Fishfirst

    Fishfirst New Member

    Piranhas grow FAST... and I'm not kidding! 1" per month is the average growth rate of a baby p... untill they are about 5-7 inches long.... Your little ten gallon will be sufficient for about two months tops. Also breeding feeders like it was said, is a waste of time... feed your piranha the following

    Raw Shrimp, Catfish, Grouper, Haddock, Pollock, Walleye, Squid

    Feeders can be considered a "snack" as long as they are quarentined for 3-4 weeks. Lone Red belly's tend to be very skittish, but can be kept alone. I wouldn't recomend however, a smaller tank than 55 gallons. (1' Wide)

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