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basic horse care question

Discussion in 'Horses - all breeds / types' started by ladydreamer, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. ladydreamer

    ladydreamer New Member

    Hi. Pride has roamed more around his pasture today and I went to visit him and noticed he has a cut above his eye and one on his chest area. Not big, not bleeding, but should I put something on them, they are about a centimenter long. OR is this normal for them? Figured I should ask. Thanks for answering my million & one questions.
  2. someday

    someday New Member

    If they are big and not bleeding..all I would reccommend you do to them is wash them well with soap and water(a betadine solution would be even better if you have it.) The most important thing is to go out in that pasture and walk it and try to find what he cut himself on and remove it. Horses do seem to pick up mysterious cuts out in the pasture, more so when they're with another horse, but you want your pasture free of anythin gthey could hurt themselves on...horses are notorious for finding the one thing they could possibly injure themselves on in the pasture and doing so. :roll:
  3. ladydreamer

    ladydreamer New Member

    Last question of the day. Cribbing.........................
  4. someday

    someday New Member

    What about it? Is he a cribber? Cribbing can not only destry fences and any other object they decide to crib on, but can be very harmful to the horse. It can cause colic as well as uneven wear on the teeth, which can cause eating problems. Some horses who crib in a stall are fine out in pasture when they aren't as bored and have lots of nice grass to eat. Some crib everywhere. They make cribbing collars which can prevent cribbing with some success.
  5. ladydreamer

    ladydreamer New Member

    Just spoke with the previous owner, and he isnt used to being put up at night. Soooo, we are going to just let him stay out at night and let him go in and out of the barn as needed to get out of the weather. Anyways, its my fault I suppose....... guess I have to learn by trial and error....
  6. ya_gotta_luv_em

    ya_gotta_luv_em New Member

    a lot of horses crib cos they are bored. If it doesnt stop, try giving him something 2 play with.
  7. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    lots of horses love exercise balls, or milk jugs, anything that they can just hit around really.

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