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Teaching a dog what NO means

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Apr 14, 2004.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    how long does it take for a dog to learn what NO means...is there a certain way to teach them...I keep saying it in a firm strong voice but she doesnt seem to be catching on....i love puppys but i think this is my last...hehe
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    if the pup doesnt have a reaction from the 'no' its probably not firm enough. if i say to to kuma in a normal but loud voice she doesnt have a clue what i mean. if i say it in a loud growly mean tone she knows. but dogs have a tendency to push their limits even when they know what no means.
  3. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Well, I have been having this problem with my puppy. He is 6 mos. Has absolutely no idea what no means, or just doesn't care. I think it depends on the dog. Some dogs are very sensitive, others, like mine, are clueless.
  4. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    also look them in the eye when you say no. sometimes when i say no i dont look at kuma and shes just thinking 'oh wow there goes mum talking to the fridge again' or 'haha looks like the cats in trouble, didnt know their names were kuma too!'
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    "No" is just a noise we make, as far as they are concerned. You teach them what it means by SHOWING them what you want when you say the word. You are not supposed to use "no" for a lot of things, or they will just learn to ignore it. Save it for the big stuff. Make sure you say it in a low, firm, calm voice - and don't clip it short (or it sounds like barking to them).

    You have to show a dog what TO do. For instance, when Nala tried to chew on my fingers as a pup, I would tell her "no bite" and then give her a bone and say "chew!"

    If you're into corrections, here is an article about teaching your puppy the meaning of the word no: http://www.leerburg.com/no-art.htm. Perhaps there is a way to adapt the information to a less harsh method if you are creative.

  6. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    My daughters thought our youngist poms name was No for the longest time. She knew what we wanted her to do but I think she was trying to puch our limits. My hubby who thinks a dog should do what he says whenever regardless of whether they understand it or not would go so frushtrated with her! She has calmed quite a bit and behaves thank god!
  7. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    When Rocky was learning "No' I used to put my index finger on the top of his nose and my thumb under his jaw, look him in the eye and say "No" in a low voice and dragged it out a bit.

    I read somewhere that "No" is supposed to sound more like a growl because when a mother doesn't like what her puppy is doing she will growl at them to make them stop.
  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Aqueous, that makes sense to me. I DO NOT in any way have a deep voice, so Harley would always listen to Curt before me. I have started to make my voice deep (in a really dumb sorta way) but its working for me. I think its because its clearly so fake that either it sounds like a low growl to her, or she just feels sorry for me for trying so hard she gives in to me. ;) Either way, I'm happy.

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