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pedigree (family tree) ?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by totalstaff, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. totalstaff

    totalstaff New Member

    hi guys,
    i have a 2 yr old amstaff and was wondering if anyone knew where i can get his family tree from.
    i already have 7 generations but want to find out further back.
    is there a web site i can go to that has a database of pedigrees
  2. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Spencerpits has it covered, the free one is cool because its free but not as many dogs yet. You can put your dogs ped in the free one and then maybe we can help you by looking at it and finding the dogs in the 7th gen and posting their pedigree.
  4. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Ok, question. If the sites posted are for APBTs, is information on AmStaffs going to be included? AmStaffs are an AKC registeded dog. APBTs are not. And the original question was about AmStaffs, not APBTs.
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I think you'd have to go to the AKC to get the extended pedigree and I'm sure you'd have to pay for that... NOT sure about websites though...I don't know if AKC will do it online...

    I'd imagine that because this is an Amstaff you'd have to go with AKC and Amstaff sites rather than APBT sites which are more likely UKC or ADBA run...(well the dogs would be UKC or ADBA registered)...
  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yes if you post the 7 generation on the free site, people can look at the 7th generation of the pedigree and find those dogs in peds online (the site that cost $30) and they would be in there. It doens't run on registy dogs that are AKC, UKC, ADBA, CKC, AADR or not registered at all have been put into the database. There are many ASTs in the database as well and AST go back to APBTs.
  7. totalstaff

    totalstaff New Member

    thanx for your replies .
    i have looked at the free website and got a couple of more generations.
    i found that my boy has alot of ruffian dogs and bitches in his lines, is this a good line and can anyone tell me the faults that the line carries?
  8. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    On a long enough timeline, most amstaffs will have ruffian or xpert in their pedigree. Since these dogs are the foundation of most modern amstaffs and there are so many of them its hard to say what "their" faults are. The answer could be many and few, depending on the direction the dogs went. Its probably doesnt matter too much being as much as 7 gens or more back.

    My friend told me once of a famous pit dog man, whos name I wont say but we would all recognize, wrote him a letter, and on the issue of his name being used with the dogs, people saying I have such and such bloodline, he commented that "you can change a pitbull into a german shepard in 3 generations" meaning if he didnt breed it people didnt have "his bloodline".

    So the answer to your question (some may have a different, more educated answer)... On a bloodline that old and with that much diversity,
    the answer is probably unclear. But ruffian dogs hold several records, and their accomplishments are undeniable, Hope this link helps you put a face to some of the names:

  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    So why don't you want to put his name out? Sounds like a good saying to me, because bloodlines can be easily changed and manipulated, whole breeds can. But if you breed true to the line/breed you can keep it pretty close to original, personal bias though probably influance somethings.
  10. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    That is true also.... within reason. Totalsaffs dog doesnt resemble a "typy" ruffian dog to me....much to bully, I would say that dogs lineage took a big outcross somewhere down the line. Im going off of memory here...I could be off base. Of course NO OFFENSE intended. The dog was very handsome.

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