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Cleo is going home Sunday

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    the lucky girl....she is going to Massachusetts (have I told you about her new home yet? Well if not I'm repeating myself, but I do it often so don't you worry 'bout me :y_the_best: :roll: )

    So she's going to be an only child now. Her new meowmy had a meezer she adopted from a shelter who passed from CRF a couple of years ago. She did adopt a kitten this year but the kitten got very bored being an only child and this person didn't want 2 kittens. With a heavy heart she did return the kitten to the shelter. She knew that in spite of loving this kitten very much it was unhappy being alone all day with no company.

    So she's adopting 7 year old Cleo who likes to be left alone and allowed to deal with people at her own pace. This woman's previous meezer had some "issues" in the beginning too but as time went by they became very bonded and adored each other until the kitty had to be sent over the Bridge.

    Cleo is a very lucky girl as she's not only going to be an only child but also will get to have her alone quiet time and have a new meowmy that won't force her into acceptance and will let Cleo blossom at her own pace. I'm so excited for this girl I've been fostering 6 months - she truly has waited for the PURRFECT home and she's getting it.

  2. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    That is great about Cleo. I hope she will be happy in her new home.

    Being a foster mommy to kitties, is it hard for you to give them up after awhile?
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I have no problem letting the kitties leave fostering for Siamese Rescue as they stay w/me until the go home...I did have heartbreaking experiences when I fostered for our local shelter though. It tore me up to have the momma cats and their babies at my house for weeks (most of the time they were ill and I had to make sure they got better...night feedings for newborns cause their momma was sick). Anyway when the kittens were old enough to be adopted out (8 weeks) everyone went back to the shelter - to the cages - most of the time to get sick again cause during kitten season the shelters get so full it's hard to control URI and other contagious illnesses.

    I cried everytime I would drop these little families off - I couldn't do it anymore. HAving known about Siamese Rescue for many years, and how they worked, I felt I could still help yet not fall apart when my fosters leave me. I can easily handle these homeless kitties (now Siamese) go onto homes knowing how strict Siamese Rescue is during their interviews/application process. I feel good about it actually cause I know my fosters are taken care of and given tons of love until they get a place to call their own.
  4. ChloesMom

    ChloesMom New Member

    I am SO happy for Cleo. Good things happen to those who wait. Keep us posted when she arrives at her new home and how she isdoing. Surely her new meowmy will send updates.
  5. bionca

    bionca New Member

    I love happy ending. :eek: Cleo going to a new home. Thats a great news :D
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Oh wow! Cleo is beautiful! And congratulations to her and her new home.
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm very happy for Cleo. Good luck on your trip and forever home!
  8. luna

    luna New Member

    yay for cleo!!!!! :eek: :eek: :y_the_best: she sounds just like shadow... only wants attenction on her own terms. :mrgreen:

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