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Why do kitties throw-up???

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by fridaylove, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    I was just curious about some reasons that kitties my throw up.

    Hunter...threw-up last night around 3:00am...it woke me up because he hopped out of the bed and then made sounds like he was getting rid of a hairball.

    I cleaned it up in the dark...I checked it out this morning and there was a chunk of hair in some puke stuff.
    When we are gone on weekends, sometimes we find throw up on our stuff and I attribute that to the cats getting mad or just being anxious.

    What are your thoughts and what do you guys with indoor kitties do to help with their tummies????

    If this becomes a consistent issue I will take Hunter to the vet.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    There are a few products available for this, Laxatone helps stop the hairballs from forming, Petromalt is another one, follow the instructions though as some of them need to be given a couple of hours before feeding.
    Regular grooming, especially long haired cats helps reduce the problem, Ive only had one really long haired cat and I would spend about 15 minutes a day brushing her, she was the only one in the house that never had hairballs.....I think the other cats may have been grooming her too though.
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I guess the most common reason for kitties throwing up in due to hairballs. This is a pretty normal thing. My kitties are long haired kitties and they hack up fur balls (reminds me of the movie Shrek II) occassionally, especially on my bed or on a carpet...never on the bare floor which would be easier to clean.

    As DeLaUK mentions, there are products you can get at the pet store to help eleviate this problem.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I know....why do they do that ???? :lol: with mine it was always on my bed...sometimes while I was in it, or on the couch...is this like when they bring you their 'latest kill'...like they're bringing you a present??? :shock:
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I think they do it cause they can...here's my visual

    3 cats sitting around at night, in the dark...oh say 2am.
    "hey wanna see me make meowmy jump out of bed?"
    other 2 respond with "yeah why not, I'm bored"
    original cat "okay watch and learn"

    "hurka hurka hurka" and meowmy flies out of bed and for a bonus steps in the fresh warm pile with bare feet. And I'm sure this sounds familiar to everyone LOL

    I once read that cats have the ability to puke at will...and I believe they have it down to a science. If their little bellies are too full they'll simply empty it - and in the case of my cats usually right back in the dish
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Yep...got that visual okay :lol:
  7. luna

    luna New Member

    i bet thats just what happens. buster seems to like to barf on my bed. once he barfed from the kitchen through the living room up the stairs and ended on my bed.
  8. luna

    luna New Member

    atleast i think it was buster, hes the barf king at my house.
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :m39: OMG Mary! That "hurka hurka hurka" is exactly it! That noise will wake me out of the deepest sleep!!! And Copper likes to run from one end of the house to the other leaving small vomit spots on the carpet only! Still trying to get the last spots out.
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    My kitties will puke up furballs alot when I forget to groom them with the Zoom groom. :oops: Then I have to buy them some furball remedy. Recently Pumpkin did the butt scoop- 3 foot long ending with a clump of fur and... :shock: :shock: :shock:
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    Some of mine puke up hairballs but usually only during the summer and not all that frequently. Tiddy has puked up food a couple times just from eating too fast. Now that I schedule feed them he sometimes eats too much too fast once in a while and then pukes a few minutes later....he's only done this about three times though.
  12. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I've never seen Kyrre puke up a hairball yet (thank heaven...). It's kinda amazing, considering all his fur... But the butt scoop... I hear you Vene :shock:
  13. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    vene...ewwwww Zeus does that too and I nearly start hurka hurka hurka myself
  14. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Ewwwwwwww...Thank goodness I've never seen that! But I have seen food in a tube shape hurled back up.

    And here's a funny story: Last week I was debating on what kind of new floor to put in my kitchen. I had almost decided on laminate that looked like tile cause I can't have ceramic tile. When up walks Sabrina and hacks up a little water right in front of me! Well, that would potentially ruin the laminate so I immediately called the flooring store and ordered the vinyl. Thanks Brina.
  15. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    LOL...that is the sounds "hurka...hurka...hurka" and up goes meowmy!!

    I've had the tube of food thrown back up too! Hunter is much better now about not scarfin' up all the food!!!

    I don't think he really gets hairballs, I feed them a hairball food. But Hunter is long haired...so I guess that's what got his tumm tumm!

  16. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    The real question is why do they puke in your path of travel? I've stepped in it more times than I'd like to admit.

    Also, why do they puke on the bed (but only when I'm asleep at 4 in the morning)?

    Tash scarfs down his food all the time. He pukes it up and it looks exactly the same as when it went down.

    But the really gross thing is that when a cat pukes in the house, it's an alarm for all the other cats to come and eat it. :shock:
    It's a race in the house between me and the cats. If they get there first, they get a little meal that I'd rather them not have!
  17. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    LOL my dogs are the clean up crew around here. Who knows how much goes on when I'm not here. When I am, it's a race with the dogs as to who gets it first. Yuck...I didn't know cats did it too. I thought they were more dignified than that!
  18. luna

    luna New Member

    buster done it on my bed one time and by the time i got back upstairs with papertowelsit was gone. i told mom about it and i don't think she apresiated it much :roll:

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