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Need to find my baby a new home

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Breezay, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. Breezay

    Breezay New Member

    Unfortunately it's bad news :cry:
    Since starting my university course I haven't had the time Dusty needs and he and my partner seem to have something of a fued going on between them :roll:
    I don't want to give him to the RSPCA or an animal shelter - I'd much rather give him to someone I know will take care of him properly. I've asked everyone I know and in my local Vets and sadly no look.
    This may come off as a bit cheeky but I wondered if anyone on here would like to adopt my baby Dusty? He's an adult black cat who is fairly well behaved (as long as you give him attention. lol :mrgreen:) I do have pics for those who are interested.. I live in the uk - so this offer only really goes out to other ukers. (for obvious reasons)
    Love Gem.x
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    you are choosing your partner over your cat? shame shame shame but you must do what you must do - just keep in mind (this coming from someone older and hopefully wiser although I have my days) that once you give in to this expect to be giving in to lots of things.

    Do you have any cat rescue groups that might be able to take Dusty? I once rehomed a dog (not mine but my niece's) and this poor dog ended up in 3 different homes in 3 months!!! Once you give the pet up you lose control over its future. My niece's dog ended up being dumped at a university with the hopes someone would fine her. My niece found this out cause the person who originally got Lacey left her dog tags on the collar and my niece was traced that way - dog was in another state and the shelter that got her accused my niece of dumping her!!! Long story....anyway I hope you find a good caring home for Dusty and rethink giving in.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Its a bad situation, my daughter and her husband had some problems over her dog, he didnt like the dog (she paid more attention to the dog than to him sometimes)...she solved that problem when she told him..."dont make me choose between you and the dog because I can easily find a room-mate"...He now has a good strong bond with the dog.

    I know this is not a relationships forum but if you already had the cat before the partner came along, unless there is an issue with bad allergies or the cat attacking him every time he moves...its a control issue !!
  4. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    id choose my pets over anyone in a heartbeat. anyone who feels threatened by an animal obviously has some issues, issues that i dont want to have anything to do with.
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    But if Breezay don't have the time to take care of Dusty anyway, she's doing the right thing here :wink:
    I hope you can find him a good home, if I were in the UK I'd take him right away!
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I know and your right, just the way it was worded sent out a little 'warning bell' that I have too much experience with...

    I apologize if I offended you Breezay, is your University Course on line or at a University, I know you want to find Dusty a home with someone you know but have you thought about an ad up at the Uni, if someone from there adopts him then maybe you can make arrangements to visit him occasionally.
    Good luck.
  7. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I hope you find Dusty a good home. I'm sorry you have to give him up. No relatives want him? I'm assuming he's and indoor cat, but if not maybe you could give him to a nearby horse barn with lots of mice to chase and lots of kids to be loved by? If that's at all possible, I know that the place I ride has 2 wonderful cats and they truely enrich the handicapped children's lives that ride there. and I agree with Bente, if you need help with anything this is the place to come.
  8. Breezay

    Breezay New Member

    I have been trying to get my partner to get along with Dusty for a long time now, but it is a complicated situation. I am currently training to become a nurse so my hours at university and hospitals are taking up a lot of my time, any spare time I have is often spent sleeping or studying. I do try to be there for Dusty, but I just can't give him the time he needs. He sometimes sits in my room with me when I study - but it's not enough attention for him from me so he has began to misbehave in order to get the extra attention. He's normally a very well behaved cat and I know he is not happy here what with the negative vibes from my partner and myself not being there for him. My partner isn't asking me to give Dusty away, I just feel this is in everyone's best interests - including Dusty's. I am sure there is a home out there somewhere that can give Dusty everything he needs - things I cannot provide. I hope you understand and I don't recieve much of a flaming for my decision.
    Love Bree

    Just edited to add - I have asked everyone I know about adopting him, no one is interested (seems he lost his cuteness when he grew up! People only want kittens nowadays it would seem) I don't know how comfortable I would be giving him to someone I didn't know would take excellent care of him, hence the reason I asked people on here.
  9. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Wher in UK are you?
  10. luna

    luna New Member

    i would love to get another kittie but my mom would kill me... she says 4 is too much...... of course its not....
  11. Breezay

    Breezay New Member


    lol, luna that's so cute
  12. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    it's a tough choice that's for sure. Any rescue groups you might be able to get help from?
  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hi Breezay

    I have a possible home for Dusty, its my brother in law and his wife, they have one cat and want to know if Dusty is neutered. They are in the Newark area. If you could send me some contact info, an e-mail address or phone number (dont post it) I will either pass it on to them or send you their's. :D
  14. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    OH that's great! Good luck!
  15. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    Do you have a home for Dusty??

    If not, how old is he? Is he ok with other cats?
  16. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Does anyone have an e-mail address for Breezay?

    Hopefully she has a home for Dusty.
  17. Breezay

    Breezay New Member

    hi, sorry about the late replies.. i've been in manchester! lol, i havent found dusty a home yet :( just to let people know, he's 4yrs old this may and he's only ever lived with my mums cat (who is younger by a year and female) so i'm not sure how he would be with other cats.
    DeLaUk - sorry i hadnt got a chance to email you back (as i said, i've been away) dusty is neautured, but his vaccinations are not up to date (he's more of an indoor cat so the vet said it would be ok to not get them done) how many other cats does your brother and his wife have?
    my email address is pemmagollard@hotmail.com.. if you could drop me a line sometime soon and i'll email you my other details over there :)
    Thanks for understanding.. i just want what's best for him.

    Love Bree.
  18. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I will have to talk to them again so I will e-mail you tonight (or maybe tomorrow if I cant get in touch tonight)with their phone number, I believe they have a neutered male about a year old. :)
  19. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I sent you an e-mail with the phone number and an e-mail address to contact my brother in law. I had a little problem with my computer so if you didnt receive it let me know.

    Good luck :D
  20. Petz8888

    Petz8888 New Member

    This is good news!

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