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WHY??? do I have this problem???

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by StormyMoon, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    Why is it when I take my dog to the vet or like today I took my dog to pet smart to have a bath and made up all purty and talked to the trainer there who seemed to be baffeld when I said my dog was pit she said she thought she looked Shar pei

    I wanted to have my dog some training but they were stand offish to me and was acting like she had cooties or something

    This is a shar pei lol [​IMG]

    This is my dog

    What am i missing or are these people nuts I am begining to think I am nuts here lol

    please tell me your point of view


  2. jay

    jay New Member

    My local Petsmart trainer was so glad when I started class. She said she loves showing other people how great the breed is and loved showing how smart Pits are. Its was a good class, as long as you do the homework.
  3. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    I understand they are good I got the schedual for the classes but I dont know how else can I explain to people I have a pit they expect her to be bigger like an american Bull dog

    Mystical is still just a puppy so she still has her baby wrinkles
  4. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    here is a better view of her face


    when she holds her ears together like that she has wrinkles when she holds them back they go away
  5. someday

    someday New Member

    LOL...you should carry that pic of a shar pei around with you! Then people might get it straight. When Annie puts her ears up and makes her "innocent" face, she has wrinkles too.she had more when she was a pup

    Annie at about 3 months


    Annie at almost a year
  6. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    LOL She still wrinkles even at almost a year how cute...
  7. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Well, I guess first of all, the pic you posted of a Shar Pei is grossly over wrinkled for an adult. They shouldn't look like an unmade bed or a giant tomato worm once they reach adulthood. But, unfortunately, that's what some people are breeding for.

    If you ever have the chance, though, study a Shar Pei head closely. Underneath all those wrinkles, you'll find a skull that's shaped like a lot of Pit Bull's skulls. Not exactly, but close. And I've seen a lot of Pit pups that do look like there's a Shar Pei hiding in the woodpile, about 2 generations back. They usually outgrow it, but not always.
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    argh tellin me shine. i looked at that pic and thought 'now hang on something isnt right there'. thankfully shar pei breeders here arent taking on the wrinkle trend... yet. :roll:
  9. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    With the exception of some back yard breeders and puppy mills, most breeders in the U.S. are moving away from the excessive wrinkles, thank God. It doesn't take too many expensive trips to the vet before people start waking up to the fact that all those wrinkles lead to horrendous skin infections. Especially with the horse coat variety, which has a coat that feels a lot like sandpaper. They simply rub themselves raw between the wrinkles.
  10. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    They dont even have to rub themselves, just think about the yeast infections in the folds. :( Poor dogs.
  11. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    My point wasnt if that was a perfect breed of the shar pei some where some how we got off the topic of my dog dont look like a shar pei at all...

    If she had some body wrinkles or even ears like a shar pei had yea i would believe it, aslo if I didnt know the mom and father of my dog I would have believed it!

    But I have touched Mysticals mom and dad I take her back they visit regularly with each other.

    We all live in the same neighborhood... My point was why do I have to argue with vets or trainers what my dog is, why is it that they cant see her for what she is, she is growing out of her wrinkles as she puts on weight but she is so active its hard for me to keep weight on her.

    They expect what they see on tv or what they have seen from fighters here in texas in my area the pits with the huge head and stocky bodies
    or even the American bull dog which is way taller and larger than my pit is.

    There is just so many people who believe that a pit has to have that big head and huge body ...

    Mystical is American staffordshire bull terrier and Amarican staffordshire terrier so does this make her a mutt?

    Even though both dogs fall under the pit bull name?
  12. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    to be honest, i dont really see a resemblance either. if it werent for the wrinkles thered be no question. the wrinkles are most likely not related to breed anyway, just a quirk of nature :lol:

    p.s. i just wanna tickle annies belly :p
  14. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I wouldnt worry about them saying she looks like a Shar-Pei. My mom had a dog that looked like a full bred German Shepherd, a lot of people asked if she was giong to breed her and were willing to pay up front for the puppies. Only thing was the dogs mom was a full breed German Shepherd and the father was a full bred Rottweiller. The owner of both those dogs had 2 litters from them both and they either looked like a Rott or Shepherd, not one dog looked like a mix. My moms vet never believed she was a mix either.
  15. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    What's wrong with these Petsmart obedience instructors? Don't they know a Pit when they see one??? Don't get me wrong - My Dane went to Puppy Head Start and Basic Obedience at Petsmart. But you would think that they would have a LITTLE better knowledge of breeds than to say your dog looks like a Sharpei! I would bet that no one else has told you your dog looks like a Sharpei. Am I right?
  16. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    When I was out on the show circuit, I saw plenty of black Shar Pei who would be said to show a distinct resemblence to the pic of Mystical. No, they weren't exactly alike. Especially the coat and that 'hippo mouth'. But people who have never experienced the horse coat of a Shar Pei must be excused for not understanding the difference between that, and a typical Pit Bull coat.

    We also see many Shar Pei X Pit Bulls that are identified by their owners as Shar Pei. If the person at Pet Smart has only had experience with these 'Shar Pei', as opposed to a purebred Shar Pei, they should be forgiven for the mistake.

    Not only that, many people who train at corporate stores haven't had a vast experience in identifying different breeds. At one store recently I overheard an owner explaining that no, her dog is not a Pit Bull. It's a Bull Terrier. Sadly, the trainer wasn't making the distinction, and had to be shown pictures to be convinced. I had a similar discussion with the owner of the kennel I work at that the dog I was bathing is an Olde English Bulldog, not a Pit Bull. And she should know better!

    I also had an assortment of 26 photographs, only one of which was a Pit Bull, and you'd be amazed at the number of people who cannot pick out the Pit Bull. Even Pit Bull breeders and owners.
  17. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :D In Uk we have either....

    an Olde English Sheepdog or
    an (English) Bulldog or
    an (English) Bull Terrier....

    I dont believe we have an Olde English Bulldog although I could be wrong :wink: ....any Brits around?
  18. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    LOL, it's confusing, I know. The Olde English Bulldog is an American breed of recent development. They are attempting to recreate the original type bull dog of the 19th century. Similar in appearance to a bull dog, but longer in leg, and wider in the hip/pelvis area to aleviate the necessity for C-sections.

    Striking dogs, wonderfull temperments, so far.

    The other breed name that cracks me up is the English Coonhound. English Coonhound? You don't have coons in England! But again, it's an American breed of English foxhound ancestory.
  19. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :lol: Ah...that explains it, so the original Bulldog your talking about is the, the one portrayed in pics of Winston Churchill? They started a good few years back in UK trying to get the breed back to the way it was originally, the dog shows are responsible for messing up so many breeds with 'their' idea of what the standards should be instead of the way they are naturally. Took me a while to figure out (years ago) how Bulldogs ever existed if all the pups were delivered by c-section, I know c-sections have been around a long time but I would guess not as long as the Bulldog. As for the English Coonhound..... :D Never heard of one and Ive spent half my life in California. Do you have a pic of one?
    I thought I 'invented' my own dogs breed, she was rescued from a trash can at a day old and looked like a different breed every week until she was about 4 months old, at 4 years she's all black, tail like an Akita, head like a Kelpie body shape of a Dalmatian, coat like a Schipperke, attitude of badly bred Chow and frolics, dances and plays like a Coyote (possibility out here in the Desert in California)....I decided to say she was an English Spitz....I didnt know there was a breed until a lady came in to the hospital witha dog that looks nothing like mine and said it was an English Spitz....havent been able to find one on a website anywhere though. :shock:
  20. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Well, from what I understand, the bulldog they're attempting to recreate would be the ones that were used in bullbating in the early 1800s, before the 'sport' was outlawed. Without the temperment, of course.

    English Coonhounds are probably most often seen in the southeastern areas of the US...The Carolinas, Virginia and Georgia, and also probably in Kentucky and Tennessee. They aren't real common, but I know they do exist. The first time I ever heard someone talking about them, I thought they were making something up, LOL. A fancy name for a crossbred dog.

    I've never heard of an English Spitz either. But I guess anythings possible.

    And about your own dog...hard to say from your description, but you might want to check out Alaskan Huskys. Not Siberian Huskys. The Alaskan Husky is a newer breed, with lots of different dogs in the mix, and are widely used in the north in sled racing. Their appearance and coloring can vary quite a bit. We have one at the kennel that everyone swears is a white GSD. I don't believe it, though, not with that curly tail. I think it's an Alaskan Husky or possibly an AH mixed with GSD.

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