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Basenji mix to be PTS by owners for cat rage

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by E-dibba, Mar 19, 2005.

  1. E-dibba

    E-dibba New Member

    :!: Please give advice :!:

    I have friends with an adorable Basenji mix (maybe with German Shepherd?) who are going to put him down very soon because they cannot find a home for the poor fella. He is very territorial and hurt one of their cats that snuck in the back yard (the cat died). He is never aggressive toward humans, just animals he sees as invaders. I wish they could just muzzle him when he might be around other animals. Would this work?
    I don't think all muzzles are bad, and would be better than having him put to sleep just because he hates cats (not many dogs don't). What can I do? They have tried animal rescue places, they say, but to no avail. Scout is just the sweetest guy ever and is very pleasant and friendly. When he is "triggered" to hunt it is hard to distract him, but this should be the perfect trait for someone on a farm or something, right? Somebody has had use for that trait, or else they wouldn't have been bred that way! As long as he sees other dogs as being in his pack he does no harm. He could go to a home with other dogs as long as they are there before him.

    Is a muzzle going to work? Will it be cruel to have even the "soft" kind that allow for panting?

    :!: Please advise!!! :!:
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    that is so sad, I have heard that a lot. I have a friend that says his dog will kill a cat if it comes into their bakyard, But the is the sweetest dog otherwise and I have heard many dogs are like this. I dont see why he would need to wear a muzzle. Afterall the cat shouldnt be in their backyard, that is why cats should be indoor and if the catowner is upset its it not the dogs owners fault. its the cat owners fault.

    Please try convincing this is wrong (as long as you say there are no other aggression issues) Can yo utake the dog temporarely until a home is found?
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    It's very sad that your friends are going to put down their dog because it was doing what it was bred to do. Basenji's are sight hounds so the dog probably mistook the cat for prey.

    If he doesn't have any other aggressive tendencies I would see if you can take him in until you can find a home for him or take him to the shelter as a last ditch effort (I know it sounds mean but it's better than him being PTS).

    I take it the dog killed one of the cats your firends owned. If the dog is an indoor dog they cold try a muzzle when he goes outside but if he's out all the time a muzzle may be cruel.
  4. E-dibba

    E-dibba New Member

    Besenji mix to be PTS

    Thanks for the input!

    I can't take animals where I am ... I don't even have a yard to put him in. But I am working on something temporary. I think he could be an outside dog if that is what the owner needs. It seems that if he does not go outside without the muzzle that all will be fine. As far as "other aggressions," like I said, he is fine with dogs that were in the "pack" he joins, but he seems mean toward "new" dogs on his terrain. If he were an outside dog it seems that he could even be in a place without a fence if he is simply put on a runner.

    Do muzzles work if a dog really wants to go after something? Are there certain kinds that are healthier, more comfortable, or more effective?

  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    The cat and the Basenji...the same owner yeah? And they have more cats. Its hard for some people to keep a pet that has injured or in this case actually been the cause of the other pets death, its sad becuase it is nature, the dog isnt doing it to be 'mean' or anything its his instinct, just the same as a cat will chase and kill a mouse. If the owners cant deal with the Basenji being there then they need to find it a home or a rescue that will take it, putting the dog to sleep is extremely unfair, you only have to look at the local shelters adoption lists, some of the dogs bio's will say something like "should be only dog in the house" or "not good with cats" etc...they should ensure the dog cant come into contact with any other cats they have while they find him a home somewhere, or maybe someone else could foster the dog temporarily until a home is found.
    I really dont like the idea of leaving muzzles on dogs if they are unnattended, they can suffocate, what if for some reason the dog vomits? I remember a case where someone had put a muzzle on his dog because it was barking a lot, the dog suffocated and died (overheated and couldnt pant enough), he was prosecuted and went to jail for a few months.
  6. E-dibba

    E-dibba New Member

    Muzzle response - thank you

    I didn't know that with muzzles. The ones I saw on the internet said they had some that would allow panting and be loosened to fit the need of the dog. I would think we'd only have a muzzle on him when going outside -- puts a damper on the whole game of fetch, though. Yes, it was these people whose cat died.
    They say everything they tried didn't work for giving the dog to rescue places. Now I want to try myself, but I don't really know how to start. I just know that the pound where they live is a quick-kill facility, so they thought it more humane to go to their vet and do it with them there to comfort him. That doesn't make me feel any better, though! The dog will still die and have no chance of it being otherwise.

    Could we take him to another pound somewhere that is better about finding homes, or will they not take him if we don't live in that county of Georgia?
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    You can use the basket type muzzles which will allow him to pant and if he is supervised while its on then I dont see why they couldnt use it temporarily till they find him a home. Are there any no kill rescue centres in your area?, maybe their vet has some contacts or the local shelter themselves, I would try pet stores, groomers, any vets in the area, I will try and see if I can find anything on the internet in Georgia and post it here if I do.
    I dont know what your city laws are with other shelters taking pets in if the pet is not from their area, I know in California they wont.
    Good luck.
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I have sent you a PM with a few websites and e-mail addresses in Georgia for Basenji Rescues. If you dont get the PM post here and let me know.....Lets see if we can find this dog a home :wink:
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    E-dibba--where in GA are you?
  10. E-dibba

    E-dibba New Member

    I am in Athens, while the dog is in Bethlehem (b/n Athens and ATL, approx where 316 and 85 meet.)

    I can take the dog wherever he needs to go for a home. They said he's a GREAT traveling dog - just curls up in the back seat.
  11. E-dibba

    E-dibba New Member

    This sweet 2 year old is my Avatar puppy now. Can't you tell how sweet he is? :|
  12. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Well I say go ahead with the muzzle - for training & management if your friends are willing to work with the dog. It can really help them relax knowing that he couldn't hurt the cats and they can focus on teaching the dog the right behaviour. If they are less tense the dog picks up on that and with proper reinforcement and training he may learn to accept the cats. Really depends on his age, level of prey drive & aggression. Basenjis are hunters with a prey drive and if not used to cats may not be able to live in harmony with cats. Muzzles should not be used all the time. I would prefer the soft muzzle one in which the dog is still able to pant, drink etc. I've seen the basket ones used and to me they look awkward, some dogs spend the entire time trying to get it off or end up hitting it against everything.

    With proper management they may be able to work things out. Is it too late to recommend they speak to a animal behaviorist, have the dog evaluated and go from there?

    Good luck!!

  13. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    Basenjis have not been domesticated for as long as most breeds, and therefore they still have a lot of "wild" characteristics. The hunting behavior doesn't surprise me, as its very natural for a dog who is only partially domesticated. They aren't the easiest dogs to own, and very difficult to train. Luckily, this dog is a mix and shouldn't be as unpredictible as a purebred usually is. As for the muzzle, you'd have to make SURE that the dog can drink, pant, and be comfortable in it. If it rubs or is a bad fit, the dog could very well be miserable.
  14. E-dibba

    E-dibba New Member

    Thank you all for your kind advice! I still don't know what I am going to do, but hopefully we are getting closer to a solution and perhaps a temporary home where the dog can move about more freely (he has to be caged most of the time except for exercise and food right now), and then we need to find him a permanent home.

    I will try to buy a good muzzle, so he can go outside with the temp owners to where they won't have to worry about him eating the neighbor's pet. We don't think he would, as that would not be "his territory", but better safe than liable. :wink:

    Please give any other ideas or connections you may have. And thank you all very much for the advise, ideas, and great information!!! Again, if anybody has any other ideas I will continue to watch this forum (with such helpful folks, I can't resist! -- and I can't wait to be in a place that allows pets! :D )

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