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what to do with an older dog

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lil96, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I recently visited my sis, she and her husband have 3 kids (oldest 6.5 youngest 6 months). Her husband has an 11 yr old black GSD. He has had this dog since before they were married and kids came into the picture. A little background, before they married he and the dog lived in the woods in the middle of no where so the dog could run around (but closely guarded as he would attack an small animal) the dog slept inside. But ever since they have been married my sis has always complained about the dogs stink. It seems to me like he has really bad dandruff or soemthing and that is what causes the stink. So the dog spent more time outside in his kennel ( a 6x10 area with a dog house) My bil also said that he has really bad seperation anxiety. And starting a few years ago the og got anal gland problem, so now his butt stinks and bleeds. At first my sis "tolerated" the dog sleeping inside the house by putting sheets under him when he slpet, which by this time was the only time he was allowed inside. They have since moved (few times) but I went to visit them at their new place last week. The dog was never allowed to come inside. I felt so guilty bc he would sit by the back door and just look in at me and Luther and how much my niece would play with Luther and hug him and take him outside to play with him, but ignore the GSD or only stop to yell no at him (bc this is all her parents do). We would walk around in a daze with his kong hanging out of his mouth and I would play with him and he would be so happy (luther hated it) but I noticed sometimes his hips would be so bad off that he could barely walk. My sis complains non stop about how she has to clean up his giant runny poop all the time. She said he has to be on a vegetable diet bc of the anal glands. I really think this dog is just so lonely and sad. His hair and teeth and that stuff look totally healthy, but when he stands up his back legs just sort of drag behind, but the more i played with him the better his hips got. I just feel really sorry for him. Does anyone know what to do? I am also worried bc my sister said that her husband gives him aspirin when his hips bother him and the live next door to a nature preserve or whatever and there are alot of snakes in there, so I worry he might get bitten.
    I think he could be healthier if he was happier. But my sis seems to hate the dog and he is good around kids, I saw my 2 yr old nephew step putting all his weight directly on him while he laid down and the dog didn't do a thing. It is like he is just a piece of furniture no longer a living breathing animal to them.
    So next part is that my niece loves dogs, but bc she has been raised to not notice her dads dog she pays no attention to him. So she begs her parents for a dog all the time and thye always say no, not until at least after this dog dies, so she says she can't wait until he dies! But their plan is to get her a cat and she likes cats, but really wants a dog. I told my sister if she gets a cat someone will have to clean its poop up, that they are just as much responsibilty as a dog, and then she was like oh I didn't think about that i just thought we would have an outside cat and it would run into the woods and poop. AARRGH I hope they don't get anymore animals!
    What should I tell her to do about her dog? Should I recommend a new diet? He is on Science Diet something (which I have heard around here isn't necessarily very good, but vets recommend it bc that is what they sell) Or should I just tell her to put the dog to sleep, find it a new home?? I don't know
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :cry: That is such a sad story. I think you should try to get them to rehome the dog. Maybe a GSD rescue? Very, very sad...
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Agree, with coppersmom totally, Im sorry to say this and I know you feel bad about it but your sister has no business having a pet, this dog sounds as though its needed medical attention for the skin the anal glands (bleeding from the anal glands or rectum is not normal) and the hips for quite a while now, the breed and knowing the problems with hip dysplasia, and the dogs age at first I was thinking NSAIDS would at least make the dog more comfortable but you say the "hips" improve with activity...this is more likely with muscle atrophy not hip dysplasia....which means the dog is wasting away due to lack of stimulation !!! it needs a new home with someone who will actually like the dog. I dont see any point in her getting any other pet, as much as your neice wants one, I imagine the first sign of there being anything wrong and she will treat it the way this dog is being treated now.

    Maybe you can include your neice with any pets that you have, like tell her its her pet but just lives at your house or something. But please do this dog a favour and get it out of there.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I agree, also. Look to a rescue. Try to convince them that if they are going to ignore the dog and don't really want him around anyway, they should give him a second chance with people who have more time for him. Try to think of a non-threatening or accusing way to say it. Once he is out of the house, THEN you need to approach them about NOT getting a dog or cat. Every animal gets old and has medical problems and if they don't want to deal with it then they shouldn't get one. Maybe they should try something like a mouse or a gerbil. Two females make nice pets - as long as they have each other, if they never see another human they are fine as long as they get food and water and a clean cage, and the females don't smell much. Although they could probably even mess that up by getting an insanely tiny cage. How about a goldfish??
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    you'll probably have a hard time getting a rescue to take on a dog that age with possibly some major medical issues....why don't you take him? He sure deserves a better life than he has right now. My GSD is 11 years old and I cannot imagine doing that to her. The vegetable diet is probably affecting his anal glands. He probably has thyroid disease which is affecting his coat.
    I'm sure no one will like this but in circumstances like this I'd rather see the dog be humanely PTS than live like this in advancing years. Imagine the pain this poor dog feels on his hips w/out a nice soft place to lay down. GSDs adore their families and live for their families...this dog is in a horrible place now.
    Take him - I stole a dog from my nephew once and I never felt an ounce of guilt about it
  6. HereinDecatur

    HereinDecatur New Member

    I know it is your sister but it just bewilders me how people can be so cold hearted and cruel. It sounds like she doesn't need any animals at all in her life. That poor dog is deserving of a much better life at least to have some happiness and love in his remaining years. :cry:
  7. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I gotta agree, rehoming the dog is probably the best thing. I know there are some rescue organizations that would take him in. The kennel I work for is involved in rescue, and we sometimes get elderly dogs with major health issues and never turn them away. So I wouldn't rule out rescue.

    You might also remind your sister that not attending to an animals health issues is legally concidered neglect and abuse. Just in case she needs a little push to get her to surrender the dog to rescue.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    How very sad. :( I agree with trying to talk her into rehoming him as well as talking her out of getting any more animals.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I agree that the smell and other problems are probably caused by the diet. And many rescues will indeed take on an older dog with health issues. A lot of people have a soft spot for the seniors. They deserve to live out their lives in peace and comfort and love.
  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I agree with shine what she is doing is considered animal neglect, and it is illegal. the law says you have to provide basic shelter, care and food.

    Please get the dog out of there, he really needs medical attention, or as mary said if he is too far gone, then humanely end his suffering which he is in,

  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Ahhhhhh, Lil that is just heartbreaking. See if you can have a little chat with your brother in law. Be totally honest with him, tell him you know he loves his dog and all. But your sister hates it. What you saw was a neglected completely lonely dog that does not deserve to live this way. No one pays him attention nor does he get any excersize. He mayb e a bit annoyed at you for a bit, but the seed will be planted, tell him if he loves him so, then he will do whats right, either rehome him or boot the wifeSister and let him back in his life. LOL Ok, maybe not boot her. But talk to him. This is going to eat you alive not doing anything.
  12. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    It seems that there are several potentially medical serious problems going on here. Its true that the anal glands should not be bleeding - he may need anal gland surgery. I can imagine the anal glands are very painful for the dog right now. Sounds as if his skin also needs to be checked out - he could have pyoderma (a smelly skin infection). The hips definately need to be checked out too. All of this is going to run into some money that I really doubt they will want to spend on this dog. At the very least, they should be putting MSM powder (its cheaper if you buy the kind made for horses) in his food on a daily basis. About a teaspoon. You really can't overdose on it, since it is naturally present in the body. Our horse vet uses it herself, and my husband and I are now also using it. Depends on the individual, but it has REALLY helped us and our two dogs who are getting up in years. But the dog should still be evaluated by a vet, regardless.!

    Now, for the emotional problems. GSDs are one of the most sensitive breeds, in my opinion. I've had several of them, and they are not low maintenance dogs in the emotional department. As the others have said, they need one-on-one time with their owners daily. They live to protect their families - they see it as their "job," and are extremely devoted, and don't feel complete without being close to their families (emotionally AND physically). This dog probably feels completely rejected and lonely, and that's so sad. Like he's no longer important, and that he has no job to do - which Shepherds need as much as they need food. This is why so many of them suffer from separation anxiety - they were bred to protect and serve their families. When they can't do that, they are frustrated beyond words.

    Is there any way you can visit the dog on a regular basis, and give him the attention you did when you visited? Sounds as if he really appreciated your attention - that he's starving for it. It makes me SO MAD how people are all excited about getting a new puppy, and lavish attention on it, and then when it gets older, the novelty has worn off and the dog is no longer a priority, or even wanted any longer. I agree that you need to have a very firm talk with your sister about her facing up to her responsibilities for the dog's medical care and emotional care. This is so wrong. If you make her feel good and guilty, so much the better! There is no excuse for neglect like this. Please keep us posted.
  13. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Hey! sorry it has taken me so long to get back, my computer is having major issues!
    But my sister I think just wants put the dog to sleep, but her husband feels "too attached" to do that to him, but he does take it to the vet and gives him what the vet says, but I think it is more a psycholigical thing that makes the dog sick. And my brother inlaw thinks he is doing what is best for the dog bc he takes him to the vet and feeds him science diet and to try to stop the anal gland problem. I have suggested switching to raw, but my sis said that meat makes the anal glands worse.
    I just wish he would realize the dog isn't happy and wouldn't jmust leave him, bc I don't think he would give the dog to a rescue, for the same reason he won't put him to sleep, he is just waiting for the dog to croak. I hate the whole situation.
  14. canadian lab

    canadian lab New Member

    aw man,take a stand do something. take the dog. i dunno. puting him down when hes miserable? make him happy before you do anything! hope the situation gets better (resolved) :p

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