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Shaking dog need help please

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by daddyfs, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    A co worker of mine has a pit puppy thats about 4 months old.. but he says all the sudden the pup is shakin like he is havin a sezure (sp). then he walks around with his head to the ground and runs into walls.. he has already spent over 1200 dollars in vet bills, but they have no answer.. i am jus wonderin if any of yall run into this.. thank you
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    This is the same as the one you posted a few days ago, did your friend have the vet put the dog to sleep? Or is he going to try and treat.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Delauk - I think he also posted on the pitbull forum, sometimes its nice to double post on both forums since the other one doesnt have the activity as this one.

    I was watching emergency vets recently where these puppies came in with similar symptoms. because they were from the same house, they were stumped. They determined the dogs were poisoned. (got into something) cant remember what it was. So I would have them talk to the vet about about a possible poison

    poor thing

  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Yeah, totally understand the cross posting, I was under the impression with the mention of vet costs already paid and the options available (I know how expensive brain scans can be) that the dog was put to sleep. If i had to guess it would seem more like a poisoning or post distemper.
  5. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    the pup is still alive.. i went and saw him the other day for the first time.. he is a beautiful black pit puppy!! but his ribs are really showing and he walks around with his head slightly down and bumps into things like he cant see them.. when he finds a corner or some kinda dark place.. he jus stands there not moving.. its not that he is scared of people cuz he is comfortable around him and he let me pet him.. i gus that jus where he prefers to stand.. its really weird and sad to watch this dog.. he really doesnt want to put him to sleep.. i will tell him about the that it could be poision i als heard it may be the diet.. that way he can go to the vet with some info.. thank you for the response
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Is he like this all the time or on and off?

    Just curious.
  7. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    I think he is like that all the time.. he was like that the whole time i was there.. he doesnt seem to be in pain.. he looks depressed
  8. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    We treated a Chow pup with the same symptoms you described. It had a congenital liver problem that cause hepatic encephelopathy. What that means is the liver wasn't clearing toxins from the dog's blood, and they built up to levels that caused brain damage. There is no cure, and the puppy was euthanized, as it didn't have long to live anyway and would have only suffered as the disease progressed. If the vet hasn't done a liver panel, they should do one to rule out this type of problem.

    Distemper can also cause symptoms like you described. Even if a pup survives the acute phase of the disease, they can show neurological symptoms later.
  9. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I was thinking a post distemper, without knowing the cause and the outlook its hard to have to make a decision on what to do for the best. I had a cat that had been brought in by Animal Control, someone had kicked her in the head and she wa seizing bad but we treated her with steroids and valium for 24 hours and she started to improve, she would just stare at walls though and was uncoordinated, the fact that she did show signs of improvement slowly gave us some hope and after about a month she was doing much better, never quite returned to normal, like sometimes when she jumped up on furniture her judgement was a little off but she was eating, drinking, using her litter box and interacting well with the other cats and a couple of the dogs.
    Pets can live with disabilities including head problems as long as they are not in pain and have quality of life.
  10. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    I told my friend about the liver problem and he told me the doc said that might be it.. he said the doc gave him some medicine for him to clear the toxins out of his system and he did good.. he is gonna get a liver panel and see.. thank you all again.. he said thanks too
  11. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    lil update.. the pup passed a couple nights ago.. thanks to all who tried to help
  12. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :( Sorry to hear that.

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