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Do you pick up dogs poo?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lil96, Mar 22, 2005.


Do you pick up your dogs poo?

  1. yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  3. sometimes

    0 vote(s)
  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    When walking your dog do you pick up the poo?
    If I am in the city I do, but where I live now, I live by a park with trails and if Luther goes off the trails into the woods I don't pick it up. Does that make me a bad owner? Someone over the weekend implied that i wasn't a good owner and now I am feeling a bit selfconsious and that was the one thing that I thought was a reasonable argument for him.
    But a little background he has a very large puppy and is very aggressive with the puppy, not really like hitting but pushy and swatting the pup. and anythign the dog did he would get a bone, n ot necessarily after the dog did anything special just every few minutes a bone. So anyway, the dog is much larger than Luther, but Luther is used to playing with big dogs. But this dog would come over and swat at Luther to get him to play, but Luther wouldn't play he would just sit, and the dog would persist to play so Luther would snap and when he did I would firmly say no and tell Luther if he didn't want to play to hide, which he either gets behind my legs or runs upstairs. Buit the guy acted like I should yell at Luther and punish him. I can see when he really attacks another dog, but Luther is very patient when it comes to stuff like that, it really takes alot for him to snap.
    Anyway I just wanted to know who picks up the poo and who doesn't.Sorry about my little rant.
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Heck yeah...next to dogs off leashes not picking up poo is a pet peve of mine... So I keep my dogs leashed and a bag in my pocket for pooh!
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I do litterboxes the hubby does poop patrol - works out well for me as my dog is much larger than my cats LOL
  4. BeatrixMom

    BeatrixMom New Member

    Always. A number of parks here no longer allow dogs because people don't pick up after them. I hate stepping in poop my dogs' or others. And it pisses me to no end to have someone let their dog crap on my lawn and leave it. So I don't do it to anyone else.
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If its in the street or park, at the dog park then yes, always. There are some wooded areas that the dogs can go off leash though and they will occasionally disappear into some bushes to go, then I dont pick it up, its usually too hard to get under the bushes.
  6. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    i pick it up on walks, unless my dogs decide to be really weird and poop more than once on teh walk, only usually i can find a plastic bag and go back and get it. i always pick it up at the park or whatever, i just don't pick it up if we're hiking, around here there are millions of thorns growing in there, so since we hike off trail, i usually just leave it. and he usually does it in some spot that would b really hard to get to, especially with a plastic bag.
    about teh playing, i know what you mean. ranger and snickers have a friend who is a lot bigger than them, so ranger and snickers will play with him for a little bit, but when he gets too rough, they stop playing. they'll come sit up on teh porch and basically ignore him, he swats at them, and when they still ignore him, he just goes and picks up their rope toy or kong and runs around with it, quite happily entertaining himself. he is a silly doggy :mrgreen: . about thinkinh that you have to yell at or hit a dog for punishment, it depends on the dog. for most things, ranger simply responds to a firm no, but when he runs off out front and doesn't come (rare, but it happens) he gets swatted when i find him. that keeps him in line, since a firm "no" doesn't work in that situation. snickers, on the other hand, needs to be, not yelled at, but a simple "no" doesn't work either. i usually "lecture" her about what she did, since the long, continuing firmness and generally a bit of annoyance (which she has learned to recognize) can get her back in shape. the only thing that doesn't work on is the whining, so she has a bark collar for that. lol, that was really long, just wanted to put my 2 cents in (more like 20, i guess, lol)
  7. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Mine go in the back yard, but I pick it up before Zoey--uh--"cleans" it up for me. :0024:
  8. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    lol. mine go in the backyard too, and that gets cleaned up at least every other day, since we have a big enough yard and they tend to go in the same area anyway, it doesn't quite need to be picked up everyday. while it would be nice, i would rather not have to do it that often:)
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I don't pick up poo in my own yard, since it goes away so fast. But I do pick it up when we are out. Unless they run off and poop in the bushes where no human would be walking. I figure the animals can deal with poo just fine. :)
  10. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I know what you mean....my Whippet ensured my cats had the cleanest litterbox in the city, I had to clean it constantly before she did....dont you love those Littermaids :lol:
  11. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Oh yeah! Zoey loves those kitty krispies!
  12. Nik

    Nik New Member

    I do, every time... unless he's off running through fields and wilderness where noone else ever steps.

    It's still a rearety (sp?) here for people to pick up after their dogs. The place is littered with poop. I'd had Floob a few months when he 'went' whilst my mum was walking with us. She was horrorfied that I was pulling a bag out of my pocket and was going to pick it up. I told her that I would be more embarrassed walking off and leaving it that I was bending down to collect it and carrying it through the streets till I found a bin.
  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Aah! yes...I remember the streets of Liverpool very well :shock:
  14. nern

    nern New Member

    I can't stand trying to dodge all the piles of poop people don't clean up in the parks around here...so yes, I always pick up my dogs poops.
  15. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    around here there is actually a law so that you HAVE to pick up your dogs poop, if caught you can get fined. it's not a very large fine, but still...
  16. Nik

    Nik New Member


    I'm a bit lower than Liverpool, but yeah, I can bet the streets around here look just as bad :lol:
  17. Nik

    Nik New Member

    We have those laws too. It's a £500 fine ($800) for not picking up. There's posters on every post, yet still the place is littered with poop :shock:
  18. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :lol: OMG Sara...I bet you have to have a big shovel! Hehehehehehe
  19. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I voted somettimes before I read the question. In my backyard , hubby usually does, I do it sometimes, if we are offtrail no - if we are walking like on our river trail where its paved but wild brush everywhere else, because they are on leash and go right by the trail, I pick up, they have handy scoopers. I used to go to the dog park and my blood would boil from people not picking up after them :x so anywhere people would be I pick up

  20. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i always pick up my dogs poo, unless shes gone into spider or snake ridden bush. there are always several bags wrapped around the leash so there is no excuse. the beach is covered in poo, especially the walkway. people watch their dogs poo on the walkway and just leave. so then it gets kicked to the side where it stinks. there is so much poo in the sand on the side of the walkways that when a hot day comes, well im sure people can guess what the smell is like. lazy people kick sand over their dogs poo on the beachfront and then of course a kid comes along, wants to build a sand castle and digs up the poo and accidently touches it, then their mouth and yadayada. one incident, i was in primary school and i rode to school one day. i use to ride across the park to get to school. when i got to school i noticed i stank like dog poo. i look down and there was dog poo splattered all up my leg!!!!!! some lazy @#&*$#@ left their dogs poo there and i rode straight over it splattering it everywhere.

    people seem to think its degrading picking up their dogs poo, or makes them not look tough. probably the same people who refuse to neuter their males because they say it wont look 'tough' or be a real 'man' anymore.

    p.s. i NEVER took that route to school anymore :lol:

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