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Lacey & her ancestors

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by True_Pits, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I notice that some pics she looks a lot like her ancestors. A lot of resemble, anyone else see it. Probably not the best pictures, I've seen her stand sometimes she looks so much like Bulldozer and Renedage.

    Lacey's great grandsire

    BULLDOZER Lacey's great great grandsire I think Lacey has a lot of resemblence to him.

    VADER not related but same bloodline

    RENEDAGE Lacey's sire is linebred Renegade, I can see a lot of resemblence with this dog too, depending on how she is standing. I don't have many pictures of her on the chain like this, but I put her outside today to get some new ones.

    BANDIT this is RENEGADE's sire. Not sure there is a lot of resemblence here or with Nino either.

    Now for the LACEY pics

    This one she looks like Renegade.




  2. sure

    sure New Member

    wow...lacey is a beatiful dog! love her color!
  3. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    I was wondering you seem to know quite a bit about your bullys

    Do you think mine is under weight? I know I have new momy syndrom lol i worry Im not feeding her enough 3 some times 4 times a day plus what the kids drop on the floor lol

    I think thats a lot considering I have 5 kids....



    she is oooo 7 months now
  4. goob

    goob New Member

    Very nice :)

    I saw on another board that you got a red dog (her brother I think?) back as well, is that the same young dog you had before? He looks like he's grown up nicely too.
  5. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    You must be talking to the original poster lol I would never be able to have more than 1 of the pit bull breed at this time Mystical is a hand full ...

    She is a lot better than my rotty mix of course mostly cause mystical dont jump our fence but Queeny she clears it in a heart beat funny thing is Mystical is not fixed and Queeny is[​IMG] << Queeny

    Mystical is getting very hyper I supose its time to go in heat for her.
  6. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yes it is the same male I had given toa friend, he is her half brother, they have the same dam. I'm really pleased with how he turned out. He is such a sweet boy too, such a lover. She is too though.

    I don't think she looks underweight at all. It is hard to tell in those pics but she looks just fine to me, not skinny at all.
  7. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Great pics True! You've got some of the best looking dogs! I've got a few new pics on my site. Check em out. ;)
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Nice updates, you are getting a female from that breeding? Should be nice!
  9. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    WOW you have some cuties there i looked at your site the babies look so much like mystical :)
  10. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    True - Yea - I'll be getting a female. I'm looking at a Nigerino/RB female (http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/pe ... _id=136697), but I'd have to make room 1st. 8 is my limit! LOL. If the Jeep/RB female turns out, I'm wanting to take her to one of her g-sire's. Only time will tell! Let me know how that litter turns out.

    Stormy - thanks for the compliments. :D
  11. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    Im so in love with my pit baby you know I can see how this can get adicting lol I only have 1/2 an acre maybe a bit more my yard is huge but I live in Arlington texas on an end where not everyone has as big of a yard as I do but we were fortunate to get this land so cheep...

    I have 1 kennel for Mystical for when she goes in heat I dont want her mixing with just anything. She dont jump the fence but I was worried about other males jumping into her so it has a coverd roof it is chain link but on cement so there wont be any digging in to get her or her digging out.
    A lot of people tell me to not breed her but I want to just 1 time before I get her fixed. I think she has such a great tempermant that if I found the right one to breed her with she would have great puppies.

    Im not looking to make her have huge puppies so the person who wanted to breed her with her male I think I am going to tell her no cause he looks more like American Bull dog than american pit he is very big head comes about to my hip where mystical I dont think she will grow much bigger than to my knee.

    I am very short I havent checked the size just looked at where he came to me and I am 5'1
    He is a solid white though and thats what I was looking at would be interesting to see what colors I would get from them but I am now looking for a smaler pit male to breed her with just want him to be solid white.

    I dont really know how they go about getting certain colors ...

    Her dad was red nose with white patches and red fur but her mom was solid black

    I would like some with white and black patches kind of like moo moo cow patch colors lol if that makes since?
  12. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Please take everyone's advice and do not breed your female. There are so many dogs in shelters that have such great temperaments. There are so many reasons why you should not breed your dog. Don't take offense to this, but you should go ahead and spay your girl. It is truly what's best for her, and the breed. I'm sure others will respond with sites showing you the reasons you should not breed.

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