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Sending Hugo to the vet next week

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bionca, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. bionca

    bionca New Member

    Hugo is 1 year 4 months old. I plan to neuter Hugo next week. What worries me is not, how he would cope up after surgery. Is would he have another episode of shock having to transport him to the vet, placing him in unfamiliar places or faces.

    This would be my first trip to the vet. The last, when I had to transport him to his new home, he was traumatized. 3 days without food and drink. I quickly took out his carrier wanted to bring him to the vet. He the moment he saw the carrier he hissed, jumped/climbed the wall hysterically. Indeed I was frightened by his action. I kept his carrier in store.

    Good news is, he is now no longer afraid of the carrier. What I did was, after a month when he is comfortable with his new home, while he was playing at the hall, I took the carrier without him noticing and placed in his room. Boy… you should see his reaction when he saw the carrier in his room :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . It took him a while, eventually went near the carrier and sniffed but still kept a distance away. One day after vacuuming the floor I discovered him hiding in his carrier. He now made his carrier a hiding place when ever I vacuum the floor or have visitors :D .

    Now the carrier issue is solved, I’m still not sure how he would react if I need to send him to the vet. My other concern is what if, I need to send him to boarding when I am away? Has any one have this problem with their cats? And what do you do to help them prepare for their trip to vet or boarding? Hugo is also not found of strangers.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    can you get Bach's Rescue Remedy where you live? If not perhaps you could order some online. It's a natural calming product and you could start giving it to Hugo prior to taking him anywhere...will help him to "chill" out and relax a bit.

    Since the neuter is so very important to his health I wouldn't worry about his reaction being there. It's better he be neutered and have to deal with his traveling issues than not neuter because of his traveling issues. He'll forgive you - eventually - for this disrespect you're about to put him through LOL

    I would suggest Bach's the night before (it's a liquid you can squirt into his mouth). Some cats don't react to it so you won't know until you try...but it's worth a try. And when you bring him home he'll still be groggy from his surgery so the ride home will be less stressful for him and you.

    My cat will hang out in the carrier too - but, sorry to say, when I have to actually put him in there to go to the vet he doesn't like it anymore. I'm hoping Hugo won't give you a problem.

    When you need to leave him at a kennel would having someone come in to care for him be an option rather than taking him somewhere? A friend or relative you trust with your cat. I have my oldest son come here when we go away rather than board mine (#1 four animals too costly to board, #2 my dog is too old to board). I think they prefer staying home even if no one is there 24/7
  3. bionca

    bionca New Member

    Thanks Mary. I couldn't get Bach's Rescue Remedy here but I've taken your advise and ordered online :D At the mean time I have postponed his appointment. Once again Thank you for your advise. :love_y_t_much:
  4. luna

    luna New Member

    when we go on vacation we leave the house key to our nabors so they can feed them or one of us stays home.
  5. Michelle & Ruby

    Michelle & Ruby New Member

    Poor Handsome Hugo! I wish him well on his trip to the vet.

    Lots of hugs and smooches!!!

  6. misty

    misty New Member

    If the picture in your avatar is Hugo, you have one gorgeous cat :) (Not that I've ever met an ugly cat LOL) Vet visits can be stressful on any animal, unfortunately. I wish you the best of luck with Hugo, I'm sure you both will do fine :)

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