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Dog who will not stop peeing in her water bowl.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by QueenyJr, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. QueenyJr

    QueenyJr New Member

    My boyfriends rottwieler is about 12 years old (around shes really old) and she will not stop peeing in her water dish...anyone know why? his mom asked me to search the net..buit i can't find anyhting other then something about missing something in her diet...but she eats beneful. Um, someone said something (i do not remember who) about her trying to kill herself or somehting true or not? Sounds really odd to me but you never know. Thanks for any info.
  2. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    I had a dog do this before and I stopped it for a while by bleaching the bucket (bowl for you). But the behavior returned so I got a new water bucket for him and placed it about 2 foot away from the pee bucket. He started drinking the clean water after about 3 days and stopped the peeing act. I removed the old bucket and never saw it happen again. But he did pee on his food once in a while. Smell her food dish and see if sher is doing this.

    Maybe they see us pee in the water of the toilet and think it is the proper thing to do?
  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    The first thing I'd do is have a vet give her a complete exam. It's possible she has a UTI or kidney problem.

    If the vet gives her a clean bill of health, take a look at what's going on in the house. Does she have any reason to feel anxious? Is there any reason she might feel she needs to claim her water bowl as her own personal property?

    If you can't find any reason that could be causing this, get her a lick bottle, like you use with rabbits, and hope she doesn't transfer her urinating to something else in the house.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    While its common for animals to 'slope off' somewhere 'to die' or 'give up the fight after an attack or major trauma, that wouldnt be the same as tring to kill herself. Animals, (apart from lemmings and fish swimming backwards) will not try to commit suicide.
  5. QueenyJr

    QueenyJr New Member

    hmm...well, they just got married (dereks mom and her husband scott) and Her Roxy (the rott) and brutus are scotts dogs and they moved in together with Dereks dog Dodger..so maybe thats why..maybe shes mad for scott moving?
    Plus, Roxy again is old and she bit me and derek and they think nothing is wrong with this, it didn't break the skin but we did nothing to the dog and she just freake dout and bit us. I think she needs to be checked out or soemthing but they just keep saying its because shes old...My dog was 16 years old when it died of old age and she never tried to bite...yeah any thoughtS?
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Your right, she definitely sounds like she should be checked out by a vet, 12 years is really getting up there for a Rottweiler. All the changes going on could well affect her behaviour even if there are no medical problems. A lot of people will say that their dog 'just bites now because its old', the dog hasnt suddenly started biting 'just because its old' theres a reason for the change in behaviour, it could be in pain, they wont know for sure unless they have her checked, one of the common things with older dogs is arthritis, this can be, and usually is extremely painful, Ive known a lot of dogs that cant even stand up without some help, there are painkillers, anit-inflammatories available for things like that.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It's not that she is angry with him, but she may be upset about the move and uncertain what is happening in her life. Many dogs have issues crop up when they move or new people are added to the family.

    The peeing issue should be addressed using some of the suggestions others gave you - have her checked by a vet, try to modify her behavior with training, etc. I'd watch her really closely and go back to puppy housebreaking methods.

    The other issue that needs to be addressed is making her feel secure in her new situation. She needs to be shown that she is still important even though there are new people and new dogs in the house. If there were routines that she was used to before - like a walk at a certain time, or a play session, etc - make sure these routines are still going on. Her original owner may also try adding a walk or some special time with her to show her she is still loved.

    Are the other dogs picking on her at all? Where is she in the pack order? She may be trying to claim her water bowl. I wonder if putting out more than one bowl would help?

    It's a lot of change for a dog to go through, especially a senior. Some patience, training, and love will go a long way.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    Thats what I was thinking too especially since she recently moved into a home with other dogs. Sebastian once peed in Natalie's food bowl...it was when I first got him. I figured he was trying to mark it as his..he only did it that one time though and it was after they got a special treat of extra yummy moist food.
  9. QueenyJr

    QueenyJr New Member

    She isn't getting picked on at all, her and dodger gang up on Brutus alot i mean A LOT. Its sad. But i will let them know...thanks!:)

    Oh and she is the only one left out of a cage… dodger and brutus are both put into crates during the day..I am not sure what’s going on but I really do not like that dog because she tried to bite me…I mean, I understand she moved and everything but I didn’t do anything to her…they need to take her to the vet.

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