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I took a LOT of pictures today!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Bente, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. Bente

    Bente New Member

    So I thought I'd share some with you :wink:
    I was outside cleaning my rabbit's cage, and I was sorrounded with cats all the time. It's obvious that spring is here, lol! :mrgreen:

    Offcourse my main focus was on Kyrre and his mom Tika (well... I had no choise, since they were the only ones I could come near...)

    Kyrre marking his territory and enjoying the sun

    Mother and child hunting eachother

    A beautiful girl :)

    A beautiful boy :D


    And guess what people! I saw a BENGAL in my backyard today :eek: :0018:
    At least I'm pretty sure he has some bengal in him, and even if he doesn't: don't tell me, ok? :mrgreen:
    He was flirting with Kyrres mom, and he was so shy it was hard to get a decent picture of him, but I tried:



    I've already made grand plans on how to make him mine. If I can only figure out where he lives... Lol's, just kidding :mrgreen:
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Cute pictures Bente. The one of Kyrre under the tree is gorgeous! :D
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Bente, those are super cute pics! Yep, you've got a Bengal there! :p :mrgreen: He's big. :shock: Good luck making him yours!
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :D Those are great pictures--as usual! Now I forget, where does Kyrre's mother live? A neighbor? She's really pretty too.
  6. mumofmany

    mumofmany New Member

    What gorgeous pictures Bente. :D I love looking at puddy pics.
    Send more, regularly please. :y_the_best:
  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Wonderful pics, Bente. :mrgreen: Thank you for posting them.
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i dont think ive ever seen kyrres mum before? shes got such a pretty little face! i can see where kyrre gets his looks from.
  9. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Kyrres mom lives upstairs. We rent a basement apartment, and about 7 months ago they asked if we wanted one of Tika's kittens. I did, my boyfriend didn't but my word is his command. lol! :mrgreen: He is glad he gave in now though, he is even worse than me with the baby talking "oooh, liiiitle Kyrre! I love you soooo much! You are my snuggelyhuggely kitty!" :roll: :mrgreen:
  10. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Great pictures. Kitties look like they are having a great time. It looks pretty where you live. :)
  11. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    beautiful pics bente...
  12. Petz8888

    Petz8888 New Member

    Yes truly wonderful.
  13. I_Miss_Baz

    I_Miss_Baz New Member

    Wow! Those are beautiful! Thanks for posting them. I never get tired of looking at pics!
  14. Michelle & Ruby

    Michelle & Ruby New Member

    I am sooooooooo in love with Kyrre!!!!! What a gorgeous boy!!! His mum is just beautiful too!! What a great yard you have! AND you have green grass!!!! Spring is here in Saskatchewan too.........but we still have snow. Slowly by surely, the warm weather is coming... it was +12C today, but that darn snow is stubborn and it's sticking around. I can't wait for some GREEN!!!!!

  15. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Well... Most of the green you see isn't grass, it's actually moss (?)... I guess it's been under the snow all winter. But hey, green is green, no matter what. :mrgreen: We have been up to +10C here as well, it's LOVELY! Almost feels like it's hot... Lol!

    Kyrre is blushing from all the compliments. (Ok, that's a lie.. He is actually thanking his loyal fans here at Auspet... What a snob!)
    When will we get to see pics of RubyDiva? :m7: I'm sure she would love to show off a little :mrgreen:

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