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Help-How to bath my furbaby?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Arni 25, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. Arni 25

    Arni 25 New Member

    My kitten is medium hair. I let her go out and walk around the apartment once a while. She loves to play the dirt and plants. The problem is--- she hate to take a bath. It is like a battle everytime. She would jump away from the sink, scratch me and my bathroom would be all wet... She would ignore me for a whole day after bathing. That is really heart breaking. :cry:
    Any advice, please?
  2. Petz8888

    Petz8888 New Member

    You can try puttin water in a spray bottle and sprayng her.

    What also works is spraying with the hose and using a diluded formula of soap and water.

    Then rud.

    You can combine any one of these things!

    Goosd luck!
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    You could try wiping her down with a bath wipe and brushing her real well--that should take care of dirt and smells. I have some wipes that smell like baby powder. Copper doesn't LOVE to be wiped down, but I can do it with minimal trauma to him or me. I don't advocate bathing cats unless absolutely necessary. And then it would help if you had someone help you. Like one person hold the cat and the other person do the sudsing and rinsing.
  4. Arni 25

    Arni 25 New Member

    Thanks for the advice!
    I use spray bottle when my cat misbehave, I think this may not work.
    For the wipe, I tried it before, she hates the scent.
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I just had to bathe my 2 new fosters. You really need 2 people to bathe a cat.
    Put a towel, or something on the bottom of the sink/tub surface so the cat feels like it has a grip under its feet - it does make it easier.
    Be sure to have everything right where you can reach it with one hand while holding the cat w/the other.
    If you don't have a spray attachment available keep a pitcher of warm water ready for rinsing - probably more than 1.
    Some people like to do a final rinse with diluted white vinegar for extra shine and it helps to get rid of soap residue
  6. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Use waterless shampoo. It comes as a spray or mousse. With your kitty, a mousse would probably work best. Just work the foam through kitty's fur and towel dry. You could also pour the spray liquid onto a towel and rub kitty down with that.
  7. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    My kitties hate baths, too. I don't bathe them. I comb them every day and we have to shave Socks around the tail area once in awhile to keep her clean back there. That seems to work pretty good. Other than that, they keep themselves pretty clean.

    My kitties Socks and Mittens are semi-long hairs.
  8. Bente

    Bente New Member

    My Kyrre is an outdoor cat with long hair, so I know the problems that causes. I have to bath him every now and then, but I don't do it unless it's absolutely nesseseary (sp?). Luckily we started with this very early so even though he doesn't love it, he tolerates it.
    How old is your kitty? If she is still young I think you can make her get used to bathing (with alot of patience though). If that's not possible, I think the waterless shampoo sounds brilliant! :)
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    when my Sadie dog had her leaky issue last summer I used the waterless shampooes between her baths - stuff was okay but I couldn't help but wonder about just rubbing the dirt (or in her case urine) right back into her fur.
    I would put the waterless shampoo on her (stuff I got was like a mousse) and rub it into her fur - wondering the entire time what good it was doing cause there was no rinsing. And she certainly did smell "pissy" still after doing it.

    Another hint if you do decide to bathe using water - kitchen sink. It's much easier to control the cat if you have the cat at waist level rather than bent over a tub
  10. RowdyNicconLava

    RowdyNicconLava New Member

    I just use a warm wet wash cloth with some baby shampoo on it. I usually take one cat at a time and take it into the bathroom with a wash basin and just hold them in my lap and slowly and carefuly rub them down with the wash cloth. All three of my absolutly love it Skit even closes his eyes and falls asleep sometimes lol.
  11. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    step 1 - put 2 layers of thick clothing on. sover every inch of your body.
    step 2- put on safety goggles
    step 3 - hire a riot shield from the cops
    step 4 - have giant forceps ready...........

    this is what i feel like i need to do when i use to wash pepe. my partner washed him recently, because he got dirty from being outside, without my help. what a silly billy, he was scratched from head to toe :lol:
  12. Arni 25

    Arni 25 New Member

    My kitten is one and half years old. I started bathing her since she was six months old. I will try to use waterless shampoo to see if she like it :D
  13. Breezay

    Breezay New Member

    my dusty must be the oddest cat around... he loves to be bathed! :mrgreen: he even purrs!! :shock: oddness
    love bree.x
  14. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Good advice!!!!

    :lol: :lol: anyone who can single handedly give a cat a bath and come out of with no injuries has my respect :shock:
  15. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I can! :eek: :eek:
    I haven't tried on any other cat than Kyrre thoug... He will struggle to get loose, but then I tighten my grip on him and say "NO" with a strict voice (as I always do when hes doing something hes not allowed to) And then he'll usually calm down. But I got to say it's alot easier (not to mention quicker) when my boyfriend helps me :mrgreen:
  16. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :m12: :m11: :bow_now:
  17. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Yeah, I thought I would need a transfusion the last time I decided to bathe Copper. And Sabrina doesn't even like to be picked up--I wouldn't even dare try her.

    Congratulations to you, Bente! There's your super power!

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