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Hi newbie here with my three kit cats :)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by RowdyNicconLava, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. RowdyNicconLava

    RowdyNicconLava New Member

    Hi im Eva :D . I mainly joined this site to talk about my four pitties Nicco, Rowdy, Lava, and Pound Puppy aka Puppy but i also have three cats i could'nt live with out :qm2: . I own two black cats and one Bengal cat. My black cats are both males and everyone who comes over ALWAYS complains that they can't tell either cat apart but my BF and i can simply because we know their personalities. Their names are Skit and Skat (I know corny :roll: ) their both 7 years old and the old men of the house. I got them 7 years ago when they were only 9 week old kittens at the local shelter. I was new on my own and needed two little "guard cats" sicne i did'nt have a dog at the time lol. Of course two little black kittens airn't really intimidating but lol thats ok i loved them at first site my identical twin boys :wink: .

    My Bengal is a female and her name is Cola. We got Cola from again the shelter it surprised me that they even had a Bengal cat in a shelter (I would never give up my bengal ever!) and wanted to adopt her she was so sweet and loving. She was a year old and her family was moving and could'nt take her with them. I felt for her and adopted her as soon as I could knowing what i was getting into. Two years later she is the mellowest out of the who household and spends most her time under my feet begging to be held. I love my Cola :).

    Anyways as you can see I love talking about my cats and showing them off as well as my dogs :) so look for me.

  2. RowdyNicconLava

    RowdyNicconLava New Member

    Cola Girl
    I loooove her markings

    Skit and Skat
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Hi, and welcome to the cat forum :D

    Your kitties are adorable! We love pictures, so keep them coming :mrgreen:
  4. luna

    luna New Member

    so cute! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  5. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Welcome! Your cats are adorable!

    I had to laugh about your subject in this post - you said kit cats!

    I have a half Bengal called Kitters. We call her Kit Cat all the time. That's her nickname.

    Thanks for posting pics.
  6. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    They are all beautiful kitties. Welcome to the forum. Love looking at kitty pictures. :p
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    lovely furkids....it's amazing how many "purebred" cats manage to end up in shelters and usually it's cause people purchase them from breeders who don't inform people about their personalities.
    I foster Siamese cats and they are the #1 breed dumped at shelters cause people just don't realize their needy natures and once they discover it the cats are gone.
    Sad.....I'm glad you found yours though - lucky kitty
  8. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    welcome yr ctas r lovley yeah strange i also call my cat kit cat strange im not the only mad 1 (well my bf thinks im mad!)
  9. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Welcome to the forums! Your cats are beautiful.
  10. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :m22: Hi and welcome! Great pictures--of all your furkids! Skit and Skat (LOL) look like my Sabrina.
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome to the forum. Your cats are beautiful! :D
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! Your furkids are beautiful! :eek: I have a marbled Bengal named Rene. Your little ones are very lucky to have found you!
  13. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :kiss_heart: oh....i just love your cats!! and welcome!!! i am the proud owner of two bengals...and a yellow tabby cat. max, the youngest bengal (1y.o.), christopher a bengal from rescue,( 2 y.o.), and mikey cat...a yellow bengal...(2 y.o.) :m18:


    all cats are secretly bengals!!! :eek:

    your bengal...cola...is sooo beautiful. i have two marbles. max is the lightest, and actually has four distinct colors...maybe five. and chris...is black and gold. both glitter...i can tell your bengal has the glitter gene... :wink: :y_the_best:
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    :shock: :roll: :0017: :m39:

    Here's a pic of Lynn's boyz:

    Chris, Max, and Mikey of course is the cute little yellow kitty on the far right.
  15. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

  16. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hello and welcome. Cola is very beautiful! :mrgreen: Of course all of your cats are wonderful, but I sure like Cola's markings.

    LOL, Lynnhaz about Mikey being a yellow bengal. :mrgreen:
  17. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :oops: I thought you guys were picking on me when I asked if a bengal could be orange/yellow in the other thread. I was wondering how Copper got into your picture. He looks so much like Mikey.
  18. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

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