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Anyone have birds and cats

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by ChloesMom, Apr 3, 2005.

  1. ChloesMom

    ChloesMom New Member

    The birds were here first. Chloe seems to be OK with them. She will lay on their table for hours but she stalks around the cage too much for me to completely trust her, especially when we are not home. I am wondering if it will ever get to the point where leaving her alone with them will be save. She was an outside cat before we adopted her so that hunting instinct is there. The birds freaked at first but now they actually enjoy her company.

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    My daughter would tell everyone that her cat and cockatiel were best friends and that Stuey (cat) would never hurt Mango (cockatiel)...after I found a few feathers on the other side of the room away from the cage and heard Mango shrieking when Stuey got close I had to 'break it to her gently' that the feathers had not 'fallen' off Mango and simply carried across the room by Stuey(there was evidence that they had been pulled) and the shrieking was not excitement because Mango wanted to play. :shock: The thing was my daughter had never seen Stuey trying to grab through the cage so she thought Mango was safe. I know some cats do love their avian housemates but I dont think I would fully trust them together, at least not unsupervised.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I had a bird and a cat together and that particular cat could be trusted with the bird (will have to look through my pictures to show one of them together) BUT one time when I was letting Bird fly around Tami caught him. I yelled at her, she let go never did it again. Bird's cage hung from a hook on the ceiling that Tami couldn't get too but I would never ever leave him out of his cage unattended.
    Then I got Sessy....I had to put Bird in my bedroom when I went to work and Sessy went into the bedroom when Bird was having some cageless time.
    Bird passed away (was murdered by one of my son's friends :x ) before I got Missy.
    But I would never trust any cat around my birds...never 100% when no one was home
  4. I_Miss_Baz

    I_Miss_Baz New Member

    We had a bird come down the chimney once and was promptly caught by Halle before you could blink your eyes.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Have'nt had birds here with any of my current cats but growing up we had 2 cats and 2 parakeets. Those cats never seemed to bother the birds.
  6. luna

    luna New Member

    i have a cockatiel and shadow couldn't care less, but buster gets right up to the cage, an you know what that suicidal bird dose? he gets as close to the wall of the cage where buster is a whaches him, so not only is he a demonic, evil bird hes suicidal. my pooch, abby, still isn't used to him, even thought we've ahd him over a year, she barks and throws her toys around everytime he streches his feathers.
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    A budgie I had years ago when I first rescued my 'street dog' was curious about the dog, I knew the dog had killed birds outside before so I was careful, one day I heard all this fluttering and screeching from the budgie and could hear the dog whining (the dog was about a 70# Dane mix), I rushed into the living room and there was the budgie with his beak embedded in the dogs nose through the cage, the dog could have easily pulled away....I would think!! but just stood there whining :(
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Very cute picture ChloesMom. I've never had both kitties and birds.

    My Mittens is such a good hunter. If I got a bird, it would probably die of fright.

    Good luck with your bunch.
  9. yogi

    yogi New Member

    cats and birds ok

    I have 5 birds, 3 Cockatiels, 1 English Budgy and one Greater Patagonian Conure. My 11 cats have no probolems with the birds. They basically ignore them. Though occasionally Jade my Patagonian will mimic the dog's barking and that intrigues the cats where they will sit by his cage to see if he will continue barking.
  10. TabbyLover

    TabbyLover New Member

    I cannot imagine what...

    your house must be like with all those wild animals! :shock:

    I know you must be very busy.

    Do you have any pics?
  11. yogi

    yogi New Member

    Yogi's menagerie animal pics

    I need to get on the comp at home this week and get some. I have had a couple requests. Odd I have taken hundreds for my regular photo album but not on the computer. I guess I need to have them put on CD for now on so I can download. All the insanity only happens when it's just us at home. If anyone comes over KC and TaiLi go into hiding. Tigger heads up atop 6 foot book shelves. Tsunami heads up on back of couch. Powder hides under my bed that leaves Butter and TiLi. Butter wants to kiss every stranger that comes in the house and TiLi deliberately will walk right in front of you than abruptly stops raising his backside and wants to to shove your foot under him and literaly toss him forward with your foot. If you do not he takes all 14lbs and wraps himself around your foot and ankle waiting for you to tote him with your foot. Odd crew no 2 of the cats or dogs are alike so yes it is very interesting around the old farmhouse.
    The cattery is totally off limits to strangers. Bebe, and Spice immediately dart to the rest board on window sill to eye who is coming in and Biscuit, he will try to hide so fast that will sometimes dart into a litter box.
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    What a beautiful cute pic! I don't think birds would last 2 seconds in my household. :mrgreen:

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