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Feeding puppies fresh veggies?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by TeddysMom, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    I was told that it is healthy to mix in veggies with kibble. I feed him Royal Canin for puppies which is a good high quality dry food.

    I have given Teddy carrots and just last night mixed some plain cooked spaghetti squash with his kibble.

    He loves veggies and gobbled up his food.

    Does anyone else feed their dogs veggies? And if so what kind?

    Also, I heard that plain yogurt is good to mix with thier food, has anyone else heard that?
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    My dogs get carrots, green beans, peas, apples, bananas and pears, and they love 'em.

    Don't give your dog onions or other members of the onion family, like leeks. They are toxic to dogs and can cause a very serious type of anemia that can lead to death. Other veggies and fruits to avoid; avacado, grapes and raisins, and macadamia nuts. All can be toxic to dogs.

    If you want the veggies to contribute to the nutrition of your dog, they need to be ground up or crushed. Giving them whole or in large pieces is fine as a low calorie treat, though.

    I only use yogurt if one of the dogs is on antibiotics, has a yeast infection or is having digestive problems. And it can't be any yogurt, it has to have active, live cultures.
  3. Brebs

    Brebs New Member

    really ? ?

    Wow i didnt know that grapes or onions were toxic to dogs, good thing i read this post.!!! :!:
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Rocky get frozen peas and carrots as a treat sometimes. He has fun chasing the frozen veggies around the floor because they don't get smushed as fast as fresh or cooked.

    He's not too fond of bananas though, I guess they're too squishy for him :?
  5. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    Thanks for the info!

    I went to my local pet store and they suggested I try the raw foods from Healthy Paw http://www.healthy-paws.ca/

    I purchased a bag of raw finely chopped veggies and fruit and mix it in with his dry kibble.

    He loved it.
  6. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    My dogs love carrots, the older one will only eat steamed and the little one loves them raw and cooked. As for other veggies they love them all.

    Regarding the raisins, Our older dog (9 year old Keeshound) got into someone trash and ate ham & raisin sauce and was extremly sick, he spend New Year's Eve in the vet hospital. He did not fully recover for atleast 3 weeks. PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL!!!!!!
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :lol: :lol: I thought my finaces parents dog Shnady was the only dog that did that....she goes nuts as soon as the freezer door is opened and bounces up and down till she gets her frozen peas :lol:
  8. mumofmany

    mumofmany New Member

    I agree with the vegie comments. What I really wanted to say is....
    Is that a pic of Teddy? If it is, then he is gorgeous!
    I have a bichon frise by the way. :wink:
  9. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    Yes that is Teddy, thank you... I think he is a cutie too LOL.

    I have move pics of him on Dogster: www.dogster.com/?111558

    Bichon's are really cute too. My cousin has one.
  10. LadyT

    LadyT New Member

    I am so happy I found this site. Ive been wanting to talk to other pet owners about their dogs, and normal routine.

    Now I didnt know dogs can eat veggies :y_the_best:

    Ive never feed my Yorkie-Poo Dreamer any veggies, so now I know he can eat them!

    This also allows Dreamer to have different treats instead of his regualr Royal Canin :lol:

    And thank you for all the info!
  11. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    Just start out with small portions to make sure that your dog doesn't get sick on it. I just mix a bit in (1 tablespoon) with his Royal Canin.
  12. LadyT

    LadyT New Member

    Ok sounds good. Im sure Dreamer will appreciate that added to his diet. Thank you Teddy's mom

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