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Eating blanket any thoughts?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by CDX2, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. CDX2

    CDX2 New Member

    I have a 11 month old puggle. She used to sleep in her crate with a blanket but was constantly eating it. Took it out and she was fine. I recently have been letting her sleep on the floor in an enclosed area with blanket. She was fine for about 4 days then last night she chewed it up and busted out. Woke up to find her sitting by my bedroom door. Do not know if she gets bored and chews it. Any ideas how to stop this. She does have toyes with her when she sleeps.Thanks
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Is she swallowing it or just ripping it apart? My Brie will rip things up if separated from everyone.
  3. CDX2

    CDX2 New Member

    She swallows some of it. But I think she just sits there chewing it since it was soaking wet" not pee she never pees in the house" I am thinking she just wants to be with me but feel bad making her sleep without something comfortableand not willing to let her in bed.I know she is a dog but still feel bad.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Id be really careful about leaving her with any kind of material if she is actually eating it, she could end up with an intestinal blockage from it or even choking on it...I dont know how many times weve pulled out socks, pieces of towels/blankets....various pieces of clothing etc from dogs and cats intestines.
    Sometimes what Ive done is put newspaper down in the crate instead, some pets seem to 'just like' the texture of towles and blankets in their mouths...or try a rigid piece of carpetting in her crate thats not easy for her to pull up...again though you would have to watch her carefully in case she does decide to chew and eat this also. Another thing you could do, if you think she may be a bit cold in the crate is put a thick folded blanket underneath the crate (with no edges poking into it) then if its the Vari-kennel type crate a towel over the sides but leave the front and back uncovered for air circulation, if its the open wire type...a bit more work but a couple of chairs either side with a blanket draped over...leave at least the front area open though. I dont know where you are or what the weather is like there and I dont know how big your pup is but Id say a Pug sized dog...adult should do fine without any bedding in the crate at normal room temperature. Teacup Poodle sized....might need some warmth....
  5. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I would also try a piece of carpeting. We did this with my sister's dog and she doesn't chew it. I think that if it billows up into her face she will chew it. Kind of a"outa sight outa mind" type of deal.
  6. CDX2

    CDX2 New Member

    I was worried about her eating it because of the chance of a blockage. tonight she will sleep on the carpet as long as she does not dig at it I will try some in her crate. Cold is not a factor she is about 20 pounds but she cries with out something in there. Usually tell her to go to sleep then she is quite. Thanks
  7. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    try a warm water bottle and a ticking clock, something to lull her to sleep, that might help as well.
  8. Cheryl

    Cheryl New Member

    I am also new to Auspet... Just wanted to comment...

    I have a dog that sucks his (and our) blankets... He wads up a big piece of blanket between his paws, then opens his whole mouth around it and proceeds to suck, until it is soaking wet and the blanket weights about 20 pounds just in spit alone... Gross...

    He knows we don't want him to do this, but has actually learned how to lay in his bed in a position that makes it hard for us to see when he is sucking... When you say his name he looks all sorry about it

    Seems like he is comforting himself. He's five years old now and we have never been able to stop him completely.

    This dog was the only puppy of a female who had been hit by a car... Both her back legs were broke, and the pound only kept her alive long enough for him to be weaned... So he was taken from the mother at only 5 weeks of age.

    This dog also suffers from extreme separation anxiety, to the point where he shreds his nose to hamburger, when left alone at home in a kennel.

    Hope you figure out a solution...
  9. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I used to put a sheet in the kennel with Shianne. But she would eat it to pieces. I tried carpet but she started to rip that up. So I cant but anything in there with her or she will eat it.

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