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is my pit going to have pups??

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by cateyes1184, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. cateyes1184

    cateyes1184 New Member

    :eek: my pit was in heat for a few days when an un-neutered male husky got a hold of her......she stoped her heat cycle almost right away....we were thinking that she was pregnant...she is producing milk and eveything....but i asked the vet how long they are prego for (63 days) and it has been like 2 weeks past the due date....she is not showing at all, but she was eating a ton for a few weeks......anyone know what might be going on??
  2. RowdyNicconLava

    RowdyNicconLava New Member

    could have been a false pregnancy why is'nt she spayed?
  3. cateyes1184

    cateyes1184 New Member

    she is acually not my dog so it was not my choice to have her spayed or not
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I'm not sure how to explain that one, it is weird how she was only in heat a few days and then went out. She is probably having a false pregnancy and I would talk to your vet about doing the spay and seeing whats up wit her, 2 weeks after the due date is a long time really a dangerously long time so she probably isn't pregnant if she is okay and acting normal. Who does the Husky belong to? Is this a stray dog? Getting her spayed would be the best thing IMO, it would prevent an accident from happening, this time you lucked out of it sounds like.
  5. cateyes1184

    cateyes1184 New Member

    the husky was a runnaway, but the owners were found, i am trying to talk the owners of Brittany (the pit) to take her back to the vet, but they already took her in once....at the time they said that it was too early to tell.
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    :shock: :lol:
  7. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Are you happy about this?

  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    When I was writing my post I didn't see where it says that it wasn't my dog b/c I was already replying, it said MY pit and now you have to talk to the OWNER? I'm so confused.
  9. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Ok, why did you say "my pit" in the first post and now you are saying you have to talk to her owners? This does not make sense. Are you lieing about this?
  10. cateyes1184

    cateyes1184 New Member

    wow, dont jump my ass guys! i was saying my pit just to make it easy to explain, besides, i do live with the dog, so i feel lke she is my dog.....whenever I talk about her, I always say my dog cause it is better than saying "the dog i live with"
  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :lol: Gets a little 'heated' in here sometimes. I often refer to pets that Im fostering or temporarily housing rescues as 'mine'. Can be a little confusing sometimes I think. Anyway I think what True_Pits said is right in the phantom pregnancy, 2 weeks over is a long time and you would be seeing problems with her general health right now if she had tried to deliver and pups got stuck....they dont just disappear...eventually they will start to re-absorb but usually there is severe infection and other complications which can result in the death of the female if not treated....Ive seen this 3-4 days after the initial active labour has started. I would do what you can to talk the owner of the dog (whoever it is) into having her spayed. You wont have to worry about other dogs getting to her. Unwanted pregnancies, etc and in the long run it will be better for her health wise, spaying cuts down the risk of mammary cancer and eliminates the risk of a pyometra which if that happens its usually an emergency surgery (expensive too as it usually requires a hospital stay on IV fluids etc), its fatal if it isnt treated.
    Definately time to take her back to the vet though.
    Good luck.
  12. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I didnt 'jump' your a$$. All I did was ask a question that you wouldnt answer the first time I asked.

    Also I dont understand how you could be :eek: about your pit getting preg. by a husky. I would be very upset if that happened to my dog.
    NOT 'jumping your ass'
  13. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    Oh if you make a mistake.. you will hear about it.. do the owners want to spay their dog??
  14. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I was only asking a question.
  15. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    i have to ask.. people asked why isnt she spayed.. maybe they dont want to spay their dog.. is that a wrong answer?? Is everyone here dogs fixed?? and if not how can you tell someone else to spay their dog?? jus a question
  16. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I didnt say anything about that. Maybe that was someone else?
    My dog isnt spayed.
  17. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    I was jus askin everyon one not tryin to single you out Angie, sorry if i didnt make that clear
  18. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Oh, its ok. I thought you were directing the question to me.

  19. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    If they don't want to, then why don't they just say that? I'm really missing the point or something? If someone asked a question, all people have to do is answer. Everyone here doesn't have a fixed dog. Whether your dog is or isn't spayed shouldn't be a problem in giving out advice. The question of spaying or not shouldn't have anything to do with someone else dog being unspayed, I have dogs that aren't fixed. So the question should be everyone here who have unspayed dogs responsible? Or not? I know a female that has never been fixed, she is 12yrs old, she has never been pg before. I have unspayed females but I don't leave them unattended and let them get knocked up by a stray, I'm not happy go lucky and proud of the fact that I am irresponsible pet owner, that would be like my kid and I'm not going to let that happen, but most pet owners aren't that responsible I understand. Just as well, my pet quality dogs are spayed, so thats another part of it, why wouldn't you spay them? Thats what I don't understand, it eliminates risk of ever having to worry about medical problems and accidental breedings and you don't have to deal with them coming into heat, of course most people don't thats why they throw them outside and leave them on the chain and they get pg by who knows what.

    I'm not saying there is a right or wrong answer. What I'm saying is different circumstances and situations would lead to different answers or things that would be best. What is good for one isn't always good for another. If you are a breeder you wouldn't have spayed females, but doens't mean you wouldn't contract your pet qualities females to be spayed which is telling the new owners what to do with their dog even if its the opposite of what you've done. It goes for anything not just dogs. A pro race car driver might drive very fast, but if someone else has an accident and drives fast they are still going to tell that person it is dangerous and they shouldn't be driving that way.

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