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Freckles Peed on Groomer

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Yesterday I dropped the boys off at a daycare facility as I had people working in the house. Right before I loaded them in the car Freckles rolled in some mud and was filthy so I asked to have him bathed while he was there.
    When I went to pick them up the manager asked if Freckles had any urinary tract tract problems. She said that every time the groomer tried to pick him up to put him in the tub he peed on her.
    Since he has not shown any symptoms of have a problem at home I told her that Freckles was very insecure around strange people and situations and he probably just peed out of fright, poor pup. He will also do so on the floor at the kennel when I drop them off for boarding. I guess he will never outgrow that nervous habit. When a dog has a stressful puppyhood like Freckles, being abandoned and passed around through three homes, it must stay in their brains for life.
  2. Angie

    Angie New Member

    What if a dog pees on the floor when gets really excited? (Usually around strangers)?
  3. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I believe the term is Submissive Urination. Many dogs suffer from that reflexive behavior but I don't know how to go about training them hold their bladder in those situations. Freckles is from fright I am sure as he is not the submissive type.. Maybe someone here can help.
  4. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Ok, thanks for the info :)
  5. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Aww poor Freckles. Was this his first time at the groomers?
  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    poor frckles and groomer!! he always seems so sweet and cute though (freckles, not the groomer)
  7. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Any groomer worthy of the title should understand both submissive urination and stress induced urination; that situation that arises when the fight or flight response kicks in. You unload anything (urine, feces, food in the stomach) that might slow you down in a fight or when running from a foe. I'm astonished your groomer didn't understand what was happening. She/he's lucky urine was all that was eliminated.
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Poor Freckles. My Brie used to--and sometimes will still occasionally-- "eliminate". Hers seems to be from fear though. When I first got her, she almost always peed whenever anyone reached for her and pooped the first time I did. She would also discharge her anal sacs when we went to the vet. She's gotten ALOT better though. That anal thing hasn't happened in a long time--knock on wood. Funny story: After I had had her about 6 months, we went to the animal shelter to have pictures made with Santa. I didn't understand her issues yet, and thought she would sit beside Santa on a hay bale. After she chucked a wobbly (thanks Kyles for my new expression) she left a turd on the hay bale and we made the news as they filmed a dog that didn't want to have her picture made with Santa.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    "Chucked a wobbly".......LOL!! I love that. :)

    Strangely enough, Bonnie does not pee when she is scared. But Nala does! She only does it at the vet and if you try to pick her up. And I actually saw her pee just a little bit as she was submissing to a huge German Shepherd, LOL.

    Bonnie, with all her fear issues, does not pee! We are very glad for that. I doubt I could have kept her (due to husband issues) if she was a pee-er. She's so funny, though. She used to hunker down and scurry away if you raised your hand near her - I guess she thought she would be hit. But I have been slowly getting her used to hands and objects being waved around her face so she knows she won't get hit. My husband came home the other night and she was standing near him, looking straight up at him and wagging her tail for all she was worth. He raised his hand really high and she squeezed her eyes shut and pulled back a very small amount, but otherwise stood still. It was sort of pathetic! Like the poor dog thought for sure she was going to get smacked but she loves her daddy so she was just going to stand there in case he petted her instead.

    She is such a sweetie!

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