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Help I think my pitt is pregnant???

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by countrygirl0525200, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. countrygirl0525200

    countrygirl0525200 New Member

    Help I think my pitt is pregnant. She got out of the fence I thought sfter her heat was over, but then we noticed that her nipples are getting what I believe to be milk sacks. I have never had a pregnant dog of any kind. Is there any help anyone can give me. I haven't taken her to the vet yet, but that is in the works. I believe her to be about 5 weeks maybe a little less. She just started laying down alot and changing her attitude toward my red nose pitt. She use to be a dog we joke about having ADD because she never laid down for anything except to sleep. Like I said I know nothing about having a dog having puppies. Help Please. I know she will do all the work or at least should, but I love my pitts and I don't want anything to happen to her or here puppies. We are all happy about this, but I am a little nervous. Thanks for your help. Countrygirl0525200
  2. daisy0802

    daisy0802 New Member

    I don't know much about pitts, but take her to the vet and they will do an ultrasound, etc. You'll find out if she is pregnant or not (which lasts about 2 months before the pups are born). You may also want to read this about spaying.

  3. daisy0802

    daisy0802 New Member

    also how old is she? How many heat cycles has she been through? If you don't want unwanted pups, it's probably a good idea to get her spayed. and it also cuts down the risk greatly of her getting cancers and junk down there. :p You might want to consider it. it costs anywhere from about $90 to $170. It's not an expensive operation. :y_the_best:
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    X-rays can also be done to see if there are puppies but they have to be done AFTER 45 days passed the supposed breeding date...

    Read up about whelping if she is in fact prego and you might want to switch her to puppy food now just in case... I'm expecting a litter of puppies out of my Boerboel female currently so it's interresting how many of these posts have come about... This could be a false pregnancy as well.. I'd definately visit the vet though. Blood tests can also confirm pregnancy but that can be pricey...
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Wow $90-170 that seems expensive to me, but I'm all for it, to prevent accidents.
  6. countrygirl0525200

    countrygirl0525200 New Member

    help I think my pitt is pregnant

    We are not exactly sure how old she is, but being around dogs all my life I would have to say is about a year old maybe alittle older. She was thrown on my door step out of a moving car and we felt so sorry and she was so cute we had to keep her. I am taking her next week to the vet and I planned on spayeding her after her first litter, but I wanted to pick the male that got ahold of her. I believe we already have homes for 7 puppies provided she is pregnant. I have no idea what will happen when she goes into labor. What will she do???????????Thanks for the help.
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Start checking her temperature closer to whelping time... When it comes time she'll drop below 99 degrees 24 hours before welping...how long she stays down there will vary... She'll start nesting more often...once her temp begins to rise again will be when she'll get into labor...you'll probably see some early contractions while she's nesting etc... But active labor doesn't happen till she pushes... you'll need a whelping kit etc... If you would like you can email me privately for information...

    X-rays can determine within pretty close proximity how many pups you can expect...

    Last but not least...planning to breed this dog of unknown origin was irresponsible as a pet owner... PLENTY of unwanted pets are out there and plenty of responsible, experienced and knowledgeable breeders are out there as well... *sigh*... Not much can be said now...but it is healthier for females to never have to carry pups etc...

    Anyway good luck...visit with your vet as well!
  8. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I agree.
  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah like the mother herself, what kind of rescue/life would that be, saved after being thrown away only to have pups who will share close to same fates or their pups will and so on and so on. I hope she carries ok, that is a bit young, but she should still be able to whelp normally and not have to many problems. I'd consult your vet, or just get in touch with Sara if you haven't already.

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