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big Goldfish.......20 gal, more fish......Wht will happen?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Trickster, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    My gold fish is still small but im planning on keeping it till about 6 inches or so maybe more long. Will it eat the fish it grows up with??? I need to know because im planning on putting it in with a Silver Shark, Red Wag platy, Mickie mouse platy, and 4 neon tetras. (i know i messed spelling)
    I would like to know if all of those will get along cuz i dont want a bloody tank. o yea tank size will be from 10-25 gallons :y_the_best: . im deciding, (Money is an issue)
  2. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    Well, when you say silver shark are you referring to like a bala shark or an apollo shark? Ive never heard of jsut a silver shark, but if it is one of the 2 the bala needs about 70 gallons alone and the apollo needs at least 30. Youd have to be more specific. Typically any fish with the name shark after it needs a big tank. All goldfish IMO are to big to be in a tank anything under 40 gallons so I would try to either go larger tankwise, or find a larger home for it. If you do still want the tank between 10-25 gallons suppose it was a 15 gallon. You could have the neons which you would probably see more natural schooling behavior in a group of 6 or more. Then add another red wag and another mickie mouse. That would be a nice tank and relatvely inexepensive. -tl
  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Gold fish are cold water fish; the other species you mentioned require a heated tank. So they probably wouldn't do well together. Also, your gold fish will eat your neons once it's big enough to get it's mouth on them. In fact, it seems just about anything with a big enough mouth will eat neons.
  4. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Thx, But i bought my gold fish as a feeder fish and we all know they arent that healthy, so he has passed on (HES DEAD). So the goldfish isent a problem anymore, i was going to put im into a pond later when he got to big. i wll see about the silver shark and see specificaly wht they realy are. Im looking in a store called "Pet Value" And pretty much the only fish they have accuratly named is a Neon Tetra and Mickie mouse platty, They keep the "Silver Sharks" in about wht looks likes a 10-15 gallon. And alot of em in there, I was also maybe thinking on a Phantom Tetra, Any suggestions on that???
  5. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    Typically in any LFS the will overcrowd tanks because the fish are only in there temporarily for a short amount of time untill theya re bought. At my LFS they sell pacus and keep 10 in a 20 gallon tnak which obviously isnt large enough. If you did like the phantom tetras you could put 6-8 neons 2 mickies 2 reg wags and 3 or 4 phatoms together, whcih would require approimately a 29 gallon tank. You could possibly see about the shark and see what kind it really is and I could try to help you from there. -tl
  6. Trickster

    Trickster New Member

    Thx ill look into it all, i MIGHT be maybe be getting a 30 gallon with EVERYTHING you need for free, problem is i gotta take the fish aswell. 2 side feeders (I forget names), 2 clown loaches 1 neon tetra (Which i know is bad cuz are schooling fish) and 2 small silver fish tht look like mini red belly puranhas (I cant spell). Once those all die i will get what you suggested, thx
  7. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    Such an optamistci thinker, are'nt you? lol Anyways maybe check with your LFS, and see if they would take the unwated fish from you. Then add the fish you originally planned on having. -tl

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