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Help No Ankle Bones!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by debnally, Apr 11, 2005.

  1. debnally

    debnally New Member

    We have pit puppies that are just 2 days old. One of them was born with no ankle bones , the back feet turn in and almost look like they are backwards. Has anyone had this happen to them and how am I going to find some one who would want to raise a pit in this condition. I have 3 grown pits now and I need to be able to find homes for all of these pups. I am in upstate Ny, the southern tier area if anyone knows of someone who would like to take on this challenge I would love to hear from them. My email is debnally607@stny.rr.com Thanks....Debbie
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    please see your vet. if they cant help you correct the position of the feet it will have to be put down.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thats so sad. Its going to be tough to place, Ive heard of vets doing reconstructive surgery and it will leave the dogs with some abnormalities but to be honest I dont personally know of any that have done it (one of the vets I worked for is board cert. orthopedic specialist). The are usually put to sleep, we had to euthanize an entire litter of German Shepherds as not one of them had any hips, the surgery is expensive and I think im pretty sure it involves a couple of surgeries, its not just a one time thing.
    That said they are only 2 days old and Ive heard concerns about things like this from owners where they are absolutely sure about the disability and had their fears confirmed by vets with an initial exam and then a few weeks later it turns out not so bad as they thought. You need to have a vet check them out, preferably an orthopedic specialist.
    Good luck.
  4. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    You should talk to your vet and do the right thing, not be worried about trying to get rid of it. Before you can tell the new owners what needs to be done with the pup you need to know yourself if it doesn't have to be put to sleep. I can't understand why you let a bitch get pg if you didn't have time/space to keep the pups and are so worried about having to get rid of them. You should talk to the vet ASAP to see what they think, some of the surgeries are time sensitive I think, or at least work better if done at certain times in the dogs life. That is a poor pup, I feel for it, hope everything works out for the better and thats almost as bad as the person who bred a litter of shepherds with no hips, thats terrible.
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Couldnt agree more.... thats bybs, I saw the dam, we didnt x-ray her but to be honest we didnt need to, her hips were bad. I think there were 11 puppies altogether...the vet asked the owner if she'd had the female OFA'd (like why did she breed the dog)...she had no idea what he was talking about. !!!

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